Fire it up

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Cas' POV

Castiel wasn't sure what he should think of the whole situation. Dean said he was his friend but what does that mean? Friend, like 'I like you but we're just friends' or like 'I really like you but I'm to shy to tell the truth'?

"Cas? You gonna tell my why you do this?"
Dean didn't really wanted to ask him that because he knew it was very hard for him to talk about it, but he thought maybe he broke the ice between them and Castiel let him help.

Castiel thought for a short moment if he should tell him and then he started to talk.

He told him everything. About his brother, about the accident, about his nightmares, about his social life which didn't really existed, and about his sexuality. At that point Dean seemed a bit surprised but he could feel that Dean was hiding a smile. It relieved Cas.

They sat on Castiel's bed for two hours and just talked. Well, mainly Castiel talked and Dean listened. When Cas was done, Dean just nodded understandingly and pulled him closer for another hug. This time Cas covered his face in Dean's neck and sobbed slightly in relieve.

"You wanna go outside and get some fresh air? I guess we could need that, especially you." Dean had a plan.

When Cas nodded in agreement, Dean quickly grabbed a lighter and shove it in his pocket.

They went outside and sat behind the barn on a rusty farm machine. Dean pulled out the small pack that Ash gave him before lunch and rolled a joint with its content. Castiel was watching him from the side but didn't say a word. Dean licked up the paper and rolled it to a perfect looking joint.

He started to talk: "When I felt like shit, I started to smoke this. I think you should try it, maybe it helps you just like me."

Castiel was surprised. "What is this going to feel like? From where did you got that anyways?"

"Doesn't matter. It calmes you down and you'll just chill out. Its effect is different from one to another. Some people can't stop laughing and find everything funny, others just lean back and enjoy their life."

Dean fired it up and passed it to Castiel after three inhales. Cas started coughing the first time but Dean said that was normal.

"It tastes a bit like... pizza." Cas said. Dean grinned. "Are you hungry, Cas? I forgot to tell you that you become hungry from this." He chuckled.

They passed the joint around ever after a few inhales and let the THC effect on their bodies. Castiel started to pull faces and Dean couldn't help but burst out laughing. His head fell back in his neck from laughing.

He looks so damn cute when he's happy...

They sat outside until it got dark and giggled and laughed. Dean was so happy that Castiel was feeling good.

"Hey, maybe we should go inside, it's getting dark. And I'm very hungry."
Dean said.

On their way to their room the boys stopped at the kitchen and made a few sandwiches. Dean had trouble to act normal when Sonny entered the kitchen but luckily he didn't recognized their condition.

Back in their room, Dean grabbed his laptop and sat on his bed.

"Wanna watch some Netflix?" He asked Cas and he nodded, his mouth full of sandwich.

Dean started his laptop and patted on the empty space next to him. "Come here."

Cas took the plate with sandwiches and sat down on Dean's bed. They decided to watch Sherlock. Dean lied back and covered himself and Castiel with his blanket to be more comfortable.

"Benedict Cumberbatch is a pretty good actor." Cas said.

"Yeah, he's made for this role."

"Who's your celebrity crush? If you have one." Castiel asked Dean.

"Oh, that's simple, Dr. Sexy. And yours?"

"You mean this guy from that one hospital drama? Really?"

That was the moment when Dean just realized that he had named a man. "Uh.. yes. He's hot."

"O-Okay..." Castiel was surprised. He hadn't expected that Dean likes guys too. "I don't really have a celebrity crush. But if I had to answer I would probably say Benedict Cumberbatch. Or Jared Padalecki from gilmore girls."

"Wait... you watched gilmore girls? Are you kidding?" Now it was Dean who was surprised. Castiel just grinned and they both started to laugh.

When they continued to watch the show for a while, Dean started talking again.
"How are you feeling right now?"

"I feel..." Cas had to think for a moment until he answerd: "very good. Really, I haven't felt like this for a long time. For years, probably." And it was the truth. He enjoyed spending time with Dean that close to him.

"Good. Like I said, I could find a way to help you. I'm glad that you're happy." Dean smiled when Cas rested his head on his shoulder.

He heard his breath slow down by the time and when the episode was over, he realized that Cas has fallen asleep on his shoulder.
Dean felt tired too, so he closed his laptop and put it on the floor next to the bed, trying not to wake Cas. He thought about carrying him to his own bed but rejected the thought quickly.

The day ended with Dean and Castiel laying in Dean's bed together and they both had the best sleep since a long time.

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