Awkward situation...

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Dean's POV

Tuesday. Heat of the moment playing on a radio in the hallway.

Dean woke up with Castiel cuddled together and his arm laying on Dean's back.
And his boner was awake too.

Shit. What an awkward situation. This is really bad. What am I supposed to do now? Wake him up? Or put his arm away? Or try to crawl out without waking him? But when he wakes up by himself? Trying to hide my boner? Shit.

Castiel moved in his sleep and Dean just stared at him thinking about his next action. He was just about to stand up without waking him up when he opened his eyes slowly.

"Uhh... good morning, w-we... have school."
Dean tried to sound normal but his voice sounded like the straight opposite. Luckily Cas was too tired to recognize what Dean said, or even that he said anything.

"Cas, we need to get up now." This time his voice was more confident and Cas was now completly awake.

"Good morning, Dean. Why are we sleeping in the same bed?" He said with his sleepy voice as he sat up.

"We watched a movie and you fell asleep in my bed. I didn't want to wake you up so I uhm... just layed down next to you. I hope this was okay for you."

"Oh uh... yes, I.. It's okay."

The two guys just sat on the bed for a minute until Cas started talking again: "Dean?"


"I just can get out of bed when you go first."
Because he had slept at the wall side.

Maybe he won't see my boner. Or he thinks it was normal.

Dean pulled the blanket away and stood up. "Thank you" Castiel said.

"For what?" Dean was confused.
"For letting me out of your bed." He answerd and a grin widened on his face.
Dean smiled back at him and his gaze went through the body of the boy.

His boxers are forming a tent too. Maybe it's normal for him. Sure it is, I could never be the reason.

The situation was so awkward for both of them, that they quickly got dressed with a big blush in their faces.

The day went on like the last, getting breakfast, driving to school with Ash and Ben in the backseat, meeting for lunch and driving back home. Nothing special.

When they arrived at the boys home, Cas went strict to their room and Dean went to the living room to ask Sonny if it's okay if he called his brother.

"Sure boy, you know where the phone is. Take your time." Sonny said.

Dean took the phone and dialed Bobby's number. After a few rings he could hear a familiar voice.

"Hey Bobby, it's me, Dean...yeah I'm fine...yes...yes, uhm is Sammy at home?... Okay thanks"

Bobby was happy to hear Dean's voice and Dean missed him a lot. But Sam he missed more. When Sam took the phone, a big smile formed in Dean's face.

"Deaaan!! I'm glad to hear you. How ya doin'?... That's fine. Me too... How was your start at school? Do you have friends? .... oh cool, what's his name?... That's a cute name. Sounds kinda...angelic. You like him? .... I've met a girl, Jessica. Damn she's hot. When you visit us I'll introduce her to you... yeah, sure..."

They talked for about half an hour until Sonny called for dinner. Dean would have talked to Sam for another two hours. He wanted to visit him soon. He had to.

After dinner he went back to his room with Castiel and they decided to try something new. They wanted to play a song together, Dean with his guitar and Cas at the piano.

"So... which song should we play?" Castiel asked.

"Hm... I don't know, what songs do you play?"

"Do you know 'don't stop believing' by journey?"

"Of course, that's one of my favorite, but I don't really know how to play it on guitar." Dean answerd. "I'll check on the internet for chords, wait..."

He found chords that fitted perfectly to the piano after a few minutes and tryed to play them. When he was kinda save with the chords, he looked up at Castiel who was sitting on his piano chair and watched him practicing.

"Let's try" Dean said with a gently smile on his face. So Castiel turned to face the piano and started to play.

"Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in south Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere"

Dean, who was just watching yet, started with the next part.

"A singer in a smoky room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on, and on, and on"

In the next part, Castiel's voice appeared again and they sang together.

"Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlights, people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night"

It worked surprisingly well. Only Dean messed up a few times but the main reason wasn't that he didn't know the chords, it was Castiel who drove him crazy that he couldn't concentrate.

He was so distracted by his torso. Cas was wearing a grey shirt and you could clearly see how his muscles were working under it. His soft voice wasn't making it easier to concentrate on his guitar. When he's singing, Dean gets a tingly feeling in his stomach and his knees become weak.

This boy looks so adorable when he's concentrated...

They played that song with such a good feeling and when they finished it Castiel turned to Dean with a huge smile on his face.

"That was wonderful" he said. Dean blushed lightly and returned the compliment.

"Cas? Can I ask you something?"

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