Chapter 2: Lunch Bells and Blonde Bimbos

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Chapter 2

The next few classes went by quickly, and I finally made it to lunch.  I went through the line and got the disgustingly greasy pizza and French fries, and paid extra for a can of lemonade.  I swear, whoever decides on school lunches deserves to die.

I took my tray and found Fate sitting at a table with a blond boy who looked a year older than her.

I sat down next to her and smiled.  “Hi, Mickey.”

“Hey Lizzy.”  I glanced over at the boy and she suddenly remembered he was there.  “Oh yeah, this is Logan.”

“Hi, Logan.  I’m Lizzy, Kayla’s older sister.”


We sat and ate and talked for a while, until I heard a familiar voice sitting next to me.


“Hi, Derek.”  I was trying to sound nice and upbeat, but might have sounded a little upset that he was still following me around like a little lost puppy dog.

“Hey, you must be the little sister,” he said to Fate.


We had the introductions over and done with quickly and so Fate asked me about my birthday plans.

“Oh, hey, your birthday’s coming up?”

“Yeah, next Friday.”

“She’s turning eighteen!  I demand you have a party, Lizzy!”

“No!  I don’t even know anyone here!  I just want a quiet evening with you and Lisa.”

“Aw, come on!”


That was the last word I said on the subject.  I wasn’t a huge party person, but Fate was.

I ate in silence for a minute before a pretty blonde girl came over and stood behind Logan’s chair, looking at me and my sister.

“Hey, you two are new, right?”

I looked at Fate before cautiously answering, “yes.”

“Well, my boyfriend over there thought you looked like a couple of freaks, and was wondering when you were getting away from our table.”

She pointed behind her a few feet at a muscular looking guy, and I realized what was going on.

“Oh, really?  I don’t see your name on it.”  I pretended to look all over the wooden table, but all I found was two year old gum and some mashed potatoes from the previous lunch period.”

“Look, I don’t know what it’s like where you’re from, but me and my boyfriend have been sitting here every day for two years.  And when we want to sit somewhere, we sit there.”

I stood up and flashed a fake smile.  “I like your hair.  Did you bleach it yourself?”


“Blonde; the color of conformity.”


I grabbed my stuff and smiled.  “Great line.  I guess we’ll be out of your hair.”

I walked away, and I knew that the other three were following close behind.

“Why’d you give up?”

“It wasn’t worth it.  Besides, they sit there every day.  Who am I to take that away from them?”

I faked horror at the thought of stealing someone’s seat for a day.

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