Chapter 11: The note

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Chapter 11

The letters were carefully written, but obviously written by a man’s hands.  They were printed, not cursive, and there were no loops in the y, and no hearts dotting the i’s.

I dropped the letter in pure fear, and then let out a blood curdling scream that brought Fate and Lisa running in, asking what was the matter.  I found that I couldn’t speak, nor could I find it in myself to pick up the note to show them, so I just stood at the side of my bed, pointing to the paper on my bed.

Fate seemed worried and curious, so she came over and picked up the note, reading it aloud, but when she saw the name, her face began to pale.

Lisa heard Fate croak out my name, my given name, and rushed over to look at the note.

“Destiny, breathe.”

It wasn’t until then that I realized I was holding my breath, but when she mentioned it, I found myself gasping for air.

“Okay, this could either be bad, or something else.”

I stared at the woman next to me and couldn’t help but think she was stupid.  “How could it possibly not be bad?”

She furrowed her eyebrows and stared at the paper like she was trying to figure out how to solve a puzzle.  “I recognize this handwriting.  But I can’t seem to figure out where.  It must have been a while ago, though, since I can’t put my finger on it.”

I stared at her, terrified of what that could mean, but also relieved of what it probably wasn’t.  “You think maybe it’s related to the secret?”

We only ever called it the secret, really.  We will say visions, or stuff like that, but it was just easiest to call it the secret.  Or curse.

“I don’t know.  Maybe.  But MRP doesn’t normally take the time to warn their victims.  Besides, we’ve been doing fine for years, why would they have just found you now?”

“I don’t know.  But I have a really bad feeling about this,” Fate, who had been quiet for a few minutes finally said.

Of course, just because we’re psychic, doesn’t mean that our “feelings” are always accurate, but they’re not always wrong, either.

“Okay, um, I think I can figure it out quickly, I just have to look through some stuff, you know, jog my memory.”  She tried to smile, but I could tell she was just as spooked about it as us.  “Um, I won’t do anything until I know for sure, so just, do your homework.”

And with that she left, and Fate left, probably planning to help her.

I stared at the note again, and walked over to my closet, pulling my black suitcase from the top shelf.  I know Lisa said we were fine for now, but I wanted to be prepared if she burst in, demanding we leave within the hour.

I started unloading my dresser into my luggage, and left room for my birthday gifts.  Of course, the necklace from Fate was already on my neck.  I started zipping up my bag, when I remembered my jewelry box.  It was the last thing I had from my old life.  When Lisa came to get Fate and I after our mother was taken away, I refused to leave without grabbing my mom’s jewelry box, knowing that she would be glad I did.

I went over to my nightstand on the right side of my bed and opened the drawer, retrieving the last piece I have of either of my parents.

When I was younger, I would talk to my mother while she sat at her vanity, doing her hair, deciding on a necklace to wear that day.  When she opened it, it would play some song from swan lake, the ballet, and sometimes she would keep chocolates inside, and let me have one whenever I did something nice.

It was her most prized possession.  She used to tell me the story of how she got it, too, but I guess the trauma of having my mother taken away made me forget a few things, or maybe it was because I was so young, but I couldn’t remember.

So when we had to leave our home, I insisted we take it with us, so I could give it back to my Mom if I ever saw her again.

Of course, after I had it for a few years, I found out what it was really good for.  She kept a little piece of my dad in a hidden compartment at the bottom.  A few small things, like valentine’s cards, and love notes.  I didn’t know much about their story, but Lisa says it was a forbidden love, that just didn’t last as long for my dad as Alyssa.

I don’t know much about my dad.  Just that he left years ago, and I never really knew him.  There were a few random memories of my parents together, like when we were at the park just a mile from our house, or taking me to the movies, or reading me bed time stories.  I remember the day he left for work, and I later found out he was never coming back.

I hated him for it.  In fact, I would have thrown away the letters from him, except they weren’t mine.

But secretly, I let myself wonder what it would be like if he never left.  Would my mother still be alive?  Would we be one big happy family?  Would I have seen Mom smile more?

Sometimes, I’ll read the letters when no one else is home, just to get a feel o of who he was.  I could honestly see what my mom saw in him.  He was romantic in the letters.  He was sweet, and he told her in each of them that he loved her.  It was almost cute.

I found myself opening the box, letting the music fill my room, and I unlatched the secret compartment and pulled out my favorite letter.

Alyssa, I know you’re right in front of me, but you’re sleeping like an angel, and I wouldn’t want to wake you.  You have been through a lot today, after all.  We had our first baby girl today.  I love her as much as I love you.  We still haven’t decided on a name, but when you wake up, I’m going to suggest Sunny, because she makes our futures look so bright.  Or maybe Destiny.  I like that one too.

I’m writing this all down, planning to give it to you later.  I don’t want to forget one detail to tell you.  Being here in this little hospital room, I get it.  What your father told me.  This is why he didn’t want us together.  He loved you too much to let you throw your life away with me.  But I’ll never leave you, even though you’d be way better off without me.

I love you,


I snickered at that last part.  Way to keep a promise, Dad.  I resented him for it.  He shouldn’t have left, no matter the reason.

I fingered the edges of the paper and the creases where it was beginning to tear.  My eyes traced the writing, with every carefully written letter.  I may hate him, and wish him dead, but I actually feel that way because I love him, even if I’ll never say it out loud.

I folded up the paper, replacing it in the box, locking it back up before setting that at the top of my suitcase and zipping up the bag, standing it up against the wall next to my door.

But just as my hand released the handle of the luggage, realization hit me.

“Lisa!  Fate!  Get in here or I swear I’ll screa-” and just then the two came running into my room, gasping for air.

“What’s wrong?  Why’d you pack already?”

“Lisa, I know who the note’s from!  How you recognize the handwriting!”  I looked over at Fate, taking a deep breath before continuing.  She hated this person as much as I do, but she never knew him, so it’s a little worse.  “It’s Dad.”

[A/N:  What do you think?  Did you think it was MRP?  Good!  So how is it really?  No one’s reading it, so should I be discouraged?  Please vote and comment if you like it.  But if you don’t, nuts to you!]

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