Chapter 20: Deja vu

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Chapter 20

At some point, I guess they knocked us out, just to shut us up.  All three of us had gone into hysterics, screaming, begging them to let us go.  I don’t know how they did it, but it doesn’t matter, because I was waking up in a sterile room.  Every last bit was silver.  The walls, the floor, the “beds” which really looked more like tables.  And felt like them.  No cushions.  Hard and metallic.

Fate and Lisa were on either side of me.  Lisa was still out cold as far as I could tell, but Fate was sitting up, hugging her knees.  I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out.  Because of terror?  Or had they done something to me?  I started panicking, but in vain, because just then, Fate spoke, proving they hadn’t altered out voice boxes so we couldn’t speak.

“Who do you think turned us in?”

“Derek,” I replied without thinking.

Fate snickered.  “Yeah, right.  He so wouldn’t have turned you in.”

“No?  And why not?”

“Because he loves you.”  Her voice was almost teasing and uplifting.

“What is wrong with you?  We could get killed in just a few hours, and you’re thinking about my love life?  Or the lack thereof.”

“What?  To tell you the truth, I know we’re going to get out.”

At first, I thought it was just some childish statement, like when you believed Santa was real and you told everyone so surely that it wasn’t just your grandpa in a red suit.

But I realized she was so sure, not a doubt in her mind.  I sat up, and immediately wish I hadn’t.  pain shot through me and I winced.  What had they done to me?

“How do you figure,” I managed to say when the pain subsided.

“I had a vision, remember.  From what I can tell, it was years in the future.  And you were in it.”

“Uh huh.  So maybe I get out.”  I looked at my sister, hating myself for what I was about to say.  “But do you?”

“Would you leave me?”

I thought a minute.  “Not for a million years.  Not as long as you’re alive.”

We sat in silence for what felt like hours.  Lisa woke up soon after we did, but she never said anything.  I thought about her for a while.  Lisa, who was so sweet, was stuck in this position with us.  Was she silently cursing the day she told her best friend she’d keep her daughters safe?  She had to throw away the last ten years of her life, for kids she didn’t even have to help, or care about.

But she did care about us.

And now she was going to be punished for it.  No doubt they’ll kill her with us.  The same way, too.  Just as painful, and grotesque.  I pitied her, even though pity will never save her.

Why’d you do it, Lisa?  The thought replayed itself in my mind at least a hundred times until a door opened.  I hadn’t even seen that door.  it was high tech, and when it closed, you couldn’t see any cracks in the wall.

Some familiar looking men walked in.  They weren’t the ones from the house.  They were big, though, just as those three had been.

Realization dawned on me.

The men from my vision.

It was happening.


It’s okay.  Bring in Derek.  Let me get my hands on him!  Let me wring that little traitor’s neck!  Let me kill him and I’ll go to my grave happy.  I won’t fight them.

As if on cue, a boy with brown hair came running in, his face flushed.

“Mr. Derek!  What are you doing here?”

Mr. Derek.  You’d think he was running the place.

Actually, he sort of was.

“What is going on here?”

One of the men smiled sickeningly.  “Oh, just some new recruits.”

Recruits?  What are you talking about?

“You’re saying these three are psychics?”

He was lying?  Acting?  He was good at it.  But why?  He turned us in.  he knew what we were.  Why bother trying to hide the fact you screwed us over?

“Well, the two girls.  The older woman isn’t, but she aided them.”

He nodded as if he didn’t understand, and wanted them to elaborate.  “So you’re going to kill her, too?  Why??  It’s not like she broke any laws or anything.  Why kill her?”

He was trying to help Lisa?

“We can’t just let her go now.  We can’t use her.”

“She’s innocent.”

Just then, there was a series of beeps coming from one of the men’s watch.  The man raised his arm and spoke into it.  Derek tried to catch my gaze, but I looked away, not wanting to look at him.  Instead, focused of the man’s gadget.  A communicuff?  Really?  Those are real?  How cliché.

When the man was done, he looked at his companions and they started in on us, just like they had last night.  Or earlier tonight?  What time was it?

Then it happened.  My vision.  The men grabbed all three of us and held our faces to the floor, our hands behind our backs.  Derek was yelling at them to stop.  Not to hurt us.

Then, the door opened again, and the man from my vision stepped into the room.  The man with a nice suit on, and his hair smoothed back.  The older man, who looked to be in his late forties.  The man Derek called father.

“Hello son.”

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