Chapter 15: The Father

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Chapter 15

I stood frozen, and I heard Fate’s door open behind me, and my little sister screaming “Go away,” at the door.

But much to my surprise, Lisa opened the door without hesitation.  “Hi.”

“Lisa?  That you,” he asked.  He wasn’t surprised at who it was, but more like he couldn’t believe who was standing in front of him.

“Yeah, it’s me.  Look, I don’t think you should be here,” she said awkwardly.  He really shouldn’t have been.  We’d been fine without him for fifteen years.

“We don’t want to see you,” Fate said coldly.  For someone who was meeting her father for the first time, she didn’t seem very nervous, or happy.  But then again, why would she?  She’s been raised to hate him.

“Maybe you don’t, but my daughter might.”

At his words, I saw Fate’s eyes fill with tears again, and pain.

“Wait, you don’t know who this is,” I asked.  The first words I had said to my dad since he left.


“This,” I said, walking over to Fate, “Is Fate.  She’s three years younger than me.”  He didn’t see where this was going so I added, “she’s my sister.”

Realization dawned on him.  “What’s your name,” he asked Fate.

He seriously didn’t know I had a sister?

“Mikayla,” she misinformed him.

“Oh.”  He turned to me.  “This is awkward.  Is she mine?”  I nodded.  “Your mother didn’t feel I deserved to know I had two daughters?”

He was getting mad.

“Get out!”  I looked over to see Fate screaming, looking s if she could kill him.

“Mikayla, I don’t think you understand.  I’ve been looking for Destiny for thirteen years!  I’m not leaving until you girls understand something-”

“What?  What could you possibly have to explain to us?  Get out!”  She ran at him, pushing him out the door.  She was pretty strong, so he was outside quickly, and she slammed the door in his face.

Explain?  Before I knew what was opening the door, saying “Five minutes.”

We sat on the porch bench and his thumbs were in their own war, obviously out of nervousness.  “Mikayla?  When was she born?”

“A few months after you left.”  I was careful not to raise my voice much above a whisper.

“Alyssa’s dead, isn’t she?”

“Yeah.  You left, and Mom was in pieces for years.  Then, the MRP took her away when I was ten.”

“I didn’t leave.  Trust me.  The MRP knew about her.  They knew for years before they could do anything.  They took me in one night, and didn’t let me leave for two years,” he said.  I told her to get out of there.  Take you and leave.  She didn’t, did she?”

I shook my head.

“Instead, she let you think I never cared.”

“Why didn’t you ever come find us when you got out?”

“Two reasons.  I thought you would be gone by then, and I didn’t want to lead the MRP straight to you.

“But I deserved to see you!  Know you!  If you had been here, Mom might actually still be alive!”

“I know!  I’m sorry!  But I couldn’t have done anything to save her.”  He tried to calm me.  I was getting mad.

“You could have taken her away!  You didn’t have to stay away!  Were you even looking for me?”

“Of course I was!”

“And you didn’t even bother trying to contact anyone?  Not even Lisa?  Ask her where we were?”  I felt tears streaming down my face.  I wanted them too.  I wanted to cry.  This was all too much.

“I think you should go.”

He looked down.  “Destiny, I’ll be in town.  At the Motel six a few blocks over.  If you want to talk, I’ll be there for a week.  If you don’t, I’ll take the hint and leave.”  He got up and left me sitting there on the porch when I called after him.

“What’s your name?”

He looked back shocked.  He wasn’t expecting that.  I should have known his name.  He was my father.  My Mother’s true love.

“Denis.  Denis Richards.  You should know that.”

“Well I didn’t, Denis.”

And then I went inside before he could say anything else, and I passed Lisa and Fate to go cry on my bed for hours.

But at noon, there was a knock on my door.  My outside door.  I opened it and saw Derek.

I had forgotten about him, but now, the vision came back to my memory and I had to fight a scream.  He must have seen  the fear in my eyes because he said, “Don’t worry.  I’m fine.  You can trust me.”

“Yeah, sure.  You don’t know what just happened.”

“Let me guess, a vision?  Anything about me?”

I frowned.  Why should I tell him?  I could still deny what I was.

But I couldn’t, because he interrupted my train of thought.  “Look, Lizzy, you look scared of me, meaning you know who I am.  Nod if you do.”

I nodded, unable to stop myself.  He walked in and said, “tell me what you know.”

“I know your Dad is the jerk who killed my mother.”

He looked shocked.  “Really?”

“Yeah.  Well, maybe not the exact one.”

I was scared, don’t get me wrong.  This boy could be the death of me.  But I was having a bad day.  If I had half a brain today, I would be kicking him out, and denying everything.

“The MRP killed your mom?”

“Yeah.  You’re with them, aren’t you?  In fact, when you asked me out, you just wanted to kill me, didn’t you?”

He looked offended.  “No.  I hate that thing.  I think you have me all wrong.”  He took a deep breath.  “Let me explain.”

I laughed without humor.  “Everyone wants to explain stuff to me today.”

[A/N:  Sorry it’s short.  This chapter was kind of hard for me, so vote and comment if you think it was worth it!  And thank you for reading!  And please tell your friends!]

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