Chapter 13: The Dance

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Chapter 13

I sat at the vanity in the bathroom, Fate standing behind me, doing my hair.  She’s straightening it, and curling it, and tying it up.  But she is making me close my eyes so it will all be a big surprise.  She’s also going to make me wear makeup, but we compromised at just pink lip gloss.

Finally, Fate allowed me to open my eyes, and I gasped.

My hair was in a straitened ponytail, but there were curls in my bangs hanging down.  The blue in my hair looked brighter and more noticeable.  The curls were framing my face, which I suddenly realized had more than lipstick on.  I already had the dress on, and I knew it worked.  It was perfect.  I was beautiful.

“Oh my gosh.”

“I know,” Fate squealed, laughing at my shocked face.  She was dressed and ready herself.  Lisa had curled her hair and it was just hanging, boinging, making her look younger than usual.  She had red lipstick as bright as her hair, and gold eye shadow.

“Oh my gosh!  We look amazing,” she screamed as she enveloped me in a huge hug.  It was about half an hour before we had to leave, and she had insisted that we get ready before we eat, so that we wouldn’t run out of time.  We went into the kitchen stopping at the pantry to grab aprons to keep our dresses safe from stains.

We just ate a few slices of the pizza Lisa had ordered before leaving.  She had to go to work about an hour ago.  Some sort of emergency.  But Logan has a car and is driving both of us.

And speaking of, the doorbell rings and Fate jumps up to open it.  I stay in the kitchen, quickly gobbling up more pizza quickly and removing the apron.

I hear Fate say “Hey,” and Logan return the greeting.

“You look great,” he says, and she returns the compliment.

I walk out of the kitchen and join the two.  He looks really young, and is wearing a white dress shirt with one of those vests and nice slacks, with a red tie, probably meant to match her hair (even though it was the wrong color), under the vest.

“Hey.  So, should we go,” I ask awkwardly.

“Um, yeah, I guess.”  We all go out to his car, which isn’t anything fancy.  It’s just an old white Toyota Corolla.  But it drove, which was all that mattered.  I sat in the backseat, letting the two have that “Our Song” moment.  You know, “I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in his car.”  I mean, her hair wasn’t by any means undone, but it was still just as sweet.

When we finally got to the school, I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, walking in, with the two following close behind.

I went into the dance, and Nicole came rushing over to me immediately.

“Oh my gosh, Lizzy!  You’re not going to believe it!  Derek’s here!”  she smiled at me and added “By the way, you look great!”

“Thanks,” I said, taking in her outfit.  “You, too!”  She really did.  She was wearing a royal blue strapless dress with a long ruffled skirt.  There was a small white flower on the bust, which reflected her personality great.

We had to yell over the music, but it was okay.  I just wish that whoever chose the music had better taste.  Party Rock Anthem was bursting through the speakers which surrounded us all.  But somehow, Nicole convinced me to actually dance.  We just went to the middle, joining the crowd, jumping and pumping our fists with the music.

They played a few more songs, namely that song that goes “I just came to say hello” that I don’t know the name of, and Domino.  But then they played a slow song, and Nicole and I left the middle of the room, and walked around the corners.  People started dancing with their dates, and I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around, braced for the worst.

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