Chapter 23: White horse

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I woke up similarly to how I had woken up earlier.  Fate was already up, and we were in a strange unknown place.

And Lisa was nowhere to be found.  I felt weak and tired, so I got up and started walking around so as to avoid falling back asleep.  I processed in my mind what we had learned the previous night, or rather the last time we were awake.  I had no clue how long we had been out, or what time it was, or what day even.

And Fate and I had nothing to do but wait for someone to come for us.  We were sitting on the floor of our little cell next to each other, not speaking for a while.

“I’m sorry,” I said.  Not to her.   More like to the universe.  To everyone.  To Derek for judging him and thinking he turned us in.  To Fate for trusting me Denis.  To Lisa for probably getting her killed.  To the blonde bimbo at lunch that first day of school for being slightly rude.  To my third grade teacher who I bit one day for assigning us homework.

I was feeling bad about everything all of a sudden.

“It’s not your fault.”

“Or is it?  Fate, Dad didn’t even know about you.  If it weren’t for me, he wouldn’t have ever found us.  He was looking for me.”  I didn’t realize until then that I was sobbing.

“No, he wasn’t.  And if he hadn’t found us, they would have anyway.”  She gave me a hug, and we sat in despair for what felt like hours, just sobbing, until finally the door opened.

We sat up wiping the tears from our eyes and looked at the man in the doorway.

“Derek,” Fate asked weakly.  “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to bust you out.  Come on, go!”

Yet we made no move to get up.  “Come on,” he said, running in and trying to pull us to our feet.

“We can’t leave.”  I’m not sure who said it, but it was true.

“After the lives we’ve lead, this is just… icing on the cake.  Sick, twisted icing.  Derek, we are meant to be here.  We’re freaks.  And they’re not going to hurt us.”  I doubted it, but maybe it was true.  Maybe this was just all for the good of the people.  “And I don’t know about Fate, but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life running and hiding.  I’ve had enough of that.  I want to sit down one day and smell the roses, however corny that might sound, because I am sick of uprooting my life every year, running from the people I knew would one day catch us.”

“You know how many schools we’ve been to, Derek,” Fate spoke up.  “Destiny’s been to fifteen, and I’ve been to twelve.  We can’t live that way anymore.  In fear of these people.”

“So you’d rather be in their clutches?  Listen to you two!  You’ve changed.  You aren’t the strong girls I met that first day, are you?”

We both shook our heads, no.  “Not since I saved this guy’s life at some party.”  It was true.  That was when the story had really all began.  For the first time I had let myself get attached to a place, whether or not I wanted to admit it, and I would pay every day.  The difference between this and a story book, though, was that this is no fairy tale.  Prince charming couldn’t save me, no matter how much he wanted to.

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