Chapter 9: The Birthday Girl

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Chapter 9

The next few days were really boring and uneventful.  Every day at lunch, I watched Fate, hoping she would ask Logan to the dance already, but she never did.  I brought it up to her every day after lunch, too, asking her when she was going to do it, but she always said, “you’ll see.”

On Monday, we started noticing flyers and posters for the dance plastered all over school.  The theme was a night in Paris, and I thought it sounded really lame, but the girly side of Fate was too excited to sit still for very long.

On Thursday, Fate seemed to finally be planning on asking Logan, but before she even got the chance, Logan beat her to the punch.

“Hey, can I talk to you,” he asked her before we walked away in our separate directions for our next classes.   Looked over at her and saw her walking with him in the opposite direction we usually went.

That day, after school, Fate had gone to the car early, beating me there, and was telling Lisa all about how Logan had asked her to the dance, before she could.

“Wow, you’re so grown up.  What about you, Destiny?  You going with anyone?”

I shook my head.  “No.  I was just going to play third wheel with these two.”

“You sure?  Cause I went to my homecoming one year without a date, and then had a lot more fun the next with one.”

“Yeah, I’m sure.  There isn’t a guy at school I’d want to go with in the first place.”

“Well what about that Derek guy?”

I had to stifle a laugh before politely reminding her, “um, he’s in a coma, Lisa.”

“Well, he could wake up before the dance.”

“That’s a very indefinite maybe.”

“Alright.  Fine.  Don’t get a date.  See if I care.”


We drove home, Lisa asking Fate about Logan, since she didn’t know anything about him in the first place.

Apparently, he was sixteen, which Lisa wasn’t too thrilled about, but it’s only a five month age difference, so she couldn’t really complain.

The next day I woke up to Lisa and Fate barging into my room, singing our birthday song.  “Happy birthday!  Happy birthday!  People dying everywhere, now it’s you that’s almost there, happy birthday!  Happy birthday!”

Lisa was carrying a plate of Waffles with a single white birthday candle on top, lit on fire.

“Happy birthday, Destiny,” they screamed in unison.

“Thanks, you guys,” I said groggily.  They always did this.  Breakfast in bed was this dream that you have when you’re little, but never get.  Then you mention it, and everyone starts doing it for you.

Lisa handed me the waffles and Fate gave me a can of whipped cream.  The waffles were already drenched in syrup, just the way I like them, and they were steaming hot.  Lisa also gave me a glass of orange juice, and she and Fate left me to eat in peace, but reminded me I had to be up and ready in half an hour.

I ate quickly and then got up and brushed my hair, and put on a green t-shirt that said, “I’m not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. –John Lennon” and dark wash jeans.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room with the syrupy plate, and put it in the sink.

“Okay, guys, I’m ready,” I yelled to the house.

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