Chapter 3: The Vision

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Chapter 4:

When we got back to the house that night, all the lights were off, so I went in my side door, hoping it wouldn’t wake Lisa up.  I hurried and took a quick shower because I smelled like sweat, only worse than you’d expect.

When I finished in the shower, I left the bathroom and saw Fate waiting in a bathrobe.  “Hi.  It’s all yours.”

“Thanks.”  She went in and I heard her lock the door, and just before I started walking, I heard her say, “you should go to that party.”

“No, I really shouldn’t.”

“Why not?”

“Not my scene.”  I always just shrugged it off when she mentioned parties, saying I wasn’t that type of person.

I heard her groan, upset she couldn’t get me to change my mind.  I waited outside the door for a moment, but when she didn’t say anything else, retreated to my room and put on some basket ball shorts and an old ratty t-shirt with a few holes in it.

As I climbed into bed, I wished I had an MP3 player so I could fall asleep to music, but I couldn’t ever get a job as easily as Lisa, so I couldn’t ever make money.

I started thinking about the day I had and had to contain laughter when I got to the gym.  Derek thought we could go out?  I’m not a soulless jerk, but I don’t date.  It’s just not my thing.  I spend too much time trying to not get killed by the government.

To tell you the truth, I’m surprised I am still alive.  I’m up against the CIA, and they don’t even know about me.  Either that’s not true, or I’m totally… ninja.  No, ninja’s not the right word.  I’m more, awesome than I am ninja.

But it really isn’t me.  I just follow the rules Lisa sets for me and Fate.  I really do appreciate Lisa, and I look up to her.

I rolled over in my bed and shut my eyes, praying for a dreamless sleep.  Last thing I needed was a vision.

However, I never get what I wish for.

I’m never in my own visions.  I never have visions about myself.  Instead, I always have visions about other people.  Usually they’re bad, like someone getting hit by a car or something.  But sometimes they’re good, like I saw Fate winning the talent show when she was in seventh grade.

But this vision was different.  First thing I saw was a house.  A really big house, might I add.  My eyes went inside the building and saw lights, and I heard music blasting out of speakers.  I saw people drinking and laughing and dancing.

The Wood party I thought.

I went around and saw a lot of people.  There was that blonde bimbo from lunch, and a few other people whose names I didn’t know.  But then my eyes stopped traveling when I saw Derek.  He was drinking a lot and talking to a bunch of people.  The vision was getting boring, but then I saw it happen.

Derek tried to walk away for some reason, and stepped on a beer bottle.  It broke under his foot and I realized he had sandals on, so it cut his feet, and he started falling back, when he hit his head on the corner of the wall, causing a lot of blood to flow down his neck, drenching his hair.

Everyone saw and started screaming.  He wasn’t moving so a few girls started screaming, “Oh my gosh he’s dead!”

But I knew he wasn’t.  I sensed it.  He had a life aura around him.  That was something I could see in my visions.  If someone was alive, they had almost a warm glow around them.

However, his glow started to fade.  Very slowly, though.  But everyone was just standing there screaming, too drunk to think to call an ambulance, and to sober to remain calm.  I wanted to scream at them, but it was only a vision.  I can’t counteract with the people in my visions.  So I just stood there, a ghost, watching this person who had been nice to me fade away-

“Hey, Lizzy, get up!”

I jumped up when I heard that, startled.  “Why’d you call me that?”

“I’m getting used to it.”  Fate came into my room and sat on my bed, looking intently at me.  “What happened?”

“What do you mean?”

“In your dream, idiot!”

“Oh yeah.”  Fate could always tell when I had a vision.  I usually woke up with bags under my eyes and a worried expression.  “Um, Derek died at that party on Friday.”

I wanted to stop it, but it’s never any good.  I tried before, to stop a vision from happening, but it didn’t work.  When I see a vision, it means it will happen, whether I’m there to see it or not, so I usually try to stay away.

“Well are you gonna tell him?”

“No.  Why would I?”

“Because he’s gonna die and you know about it!  You’re seriously gonna let him go to that party?”

“Who am I to stop him?”  I tried to just shrug it off, but she wouldn’t hear of it.

“You’re the awesome psychic girl who saw him die in a vision, and who he happened to ask to the movies.”

“Oh, I see where you’re annoying mind is taking this.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah.  You want me to go to the movies with him on Friday, so that he can’t go to the party.”


“Nope,” I replied in the same excited tone of voice.

“So you’re just going to let him die?  You would have done anything to save Mom, but you won’t even go see a movie with this guy at school?”  She frowned at me and I grimaced as she mentioned Mom.

She was right; I would go to the ends of the Earth to save my mother.

“I’ll talk to him,” was all I said before pushing her out the door and turning to my dresser and selecting a dark blue t-shirt that I had written “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.  -John F. Kennedy” in Sharpie.

I grabbed my sneakers and a pair of socks, planning on putting them on in the car, since I was running a little late.

I wasn’t going to go out with Derek unless it was necessary.  But I was going to talk to him, and ask him not to go to the party, but I know it won’t work.

I ran to the kitchen, grabbing some granola bars to eat at school for breakfast, before running out to the car.  Fate was already in shotgun, so I was forced to sit in the backseat.

My mind drifted to how to bring it up to Derek.  I had to be convincing, but subtle.  This was going to be interesting.

[A/N: What’s going to happen when she talks to Derek?  What did you think so far?  Vote and comment!  And tell your friends!  It’s depressing me that no one’s reading!]

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