Chapter 8: The Deal

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Chapter 8

We walked out of the hospital and to the car, upset that we couldn’t see Derek.  “You want to go get that ice cream now,” I asked Fate.

“I don’t know.  I sort of just lost my appetite.”

I frowned.  “Me too.”

“Why don’t we just rent a movie, get our minds off of this, and then get the ice cream when we take the movie back?”

I may have been older, and a senior in high school, but my little sister was so much smarter than me.  She came up with ideas like this all the time.

“Okay.  What movie?”

She thought for a minute.  “We could just go see what Red Box has.  Or, what about Twilight?”

I laughed.  We liked watching the Twilight movies and making fun of them.

“Let’s just see what they have.”

We drove to a gas station that had a redbox, and I gassed up the car, while Fate went and got a movie.

When she came back and sat in the car, I asked her what movie she got, and she showed me the case.  It was a movie I’d seen trailers for on ABC family, called Cyberbully.  It looked really good, but I never got to see it.

We drove home and turned it on.  We laughed, we cried, we quoted it later.  It moved me.  (Veggie tales quote!  Sort of!)

During the movie, we ate some ramen noodles for lunch, and now that it was done, we decided to go get our ice cream.

It was a five minute drive to the nearest cold stone, and we spent the time singing along to that stupid LMFAO song, Party rock anthem.  If it had been Sexy and I know it, I would have screamed “No!” and changed the station.  LMFAO are not Sexy, and they know it.

We got to the creamery, and walked in, ordering quickly because there was no line.

I wanted to go back to the hospital, but what good would it do?  They wouldn’t let us see Derek, they wouldn’t tell us if he was fine, they wouldn’t do anything to help us.

Fate and I sat at a table in the corner of the ice cream shop and ate or ice cream, talking excitedly about random things.

“So, Logan?”

Fate looked up from her ice cream, obviously trying not to smile a lot at the sound of his name.  “What about him?”

“Oh, nothing.  I was just wondering how long you were planning on waiting before admitting you have a crush on him.”

She laughed, something she did whenever she got nervous/embarrassed.

“Um, a few more days, maybe.”

“Awww!  Kayla has a crush!”  I wanted to say Fatey, but we were in a public place, so we had to use our legal names, in case anyone heard us.

“Shut up,” she said as her cheeks flushed a light pink.

“Well, I think Logan has a crush, too.  Why else would he eat lunch with us every single day?”


She stuffed a huge spoonful of her cheesecake ice cream in her mouth, so she didn’t have to say anything for a minute.

“Well, if I asked you to do something, would you,” she finally spoke.

“Depends on what it is, but probably, sis.”

By the look on her face, I could tell it was something I wouldn’t like.  “Well, you know how there’s that homecoming dance in a couple weeks, and last year we didn’t get to go because we couldn’t buy nice dresses, but now, Lisa has a better job, and you didn’t want to go and…”  I nodded uneasily, because I knew where this was going.  “Well, I want to go this year.”

“Fate, it’s just a school dance.”

“Yeah, just a dance where we get to dress up, and go with dates, and just have fun.  Lizzy, when was the last time you had fun?”

“I was just having fun with you.”

“No, like a night of fun!  No worries, no cares in the world.  Just fun.”

“I get it.”

“Besides, I want to ask Logan, but I won’t.  Unless you say you’ll come, too.”

I winced.  I knew what she was doing.  She knew I would do just about anything so that she’d do something like this; stepping out on a limb, and take a risk that I know will make her happy in the end.

“Okay, fine.”

She squealed in joy, jumping up to hug me.  I wasn’t really surprised that she wanted to go.  It was her type of thing.  She liked dressing up like a princess.

“Can we go dress shopping, then?”

“Fine.  On Saturday, though.  I don’t want to go out much more today.”


We finished our ice cream, talking about other things, like my birthday.  She was still trying to convince me to have a party, but after last night, the chances of me ever even going to another party, went from slim to none.

We drove home when we were there, it was five thirty, and we saw Lisa sitting on the couch, watching TV.  “Hey, girls!  Tomato soup is on the stove!  You want to watch ‘What Not To Wear’ in a bit?”

“Sure.”  We walked into the kitchen and dished up some tomato soup, and I made a grilled cheese sandwich to go with it.

Lisa’s homemade tomato soup was just about the only soup I like.  It’s creamy, and garlicky, and basily, and tomatoey, and just plain delicious.

We took our food into the living room and sat next to Lisa on the leather couch.  She was watching ‘Say Yes To The Dress”, and it was almost over.  When it got to a commercial break, Fate told her the “good” news about the dance.

“Really?  Destiny, I thought you’d never be caught dead at a school dance?”

“Well, my sister can be very persuasive.”

“So, do you girls need money for dresses, then?”

“Oh, Lisa, you don’t have to pay.  I have some money from all those babysitting jobs last year, and Fate did all that dog walking, she ought to have some money saved up.”

I looked at Fate, who frowned.  “Only, like, twenty five bucks.”

“Okay, well how about this?  Your Mom left some money for me, to help take care of you girls.  Why don’t I pay half the price of the dresses with that, so it’s like your Mom helped you pay?  She used to dream about going Prom dress shopping with you girls.  This is good enough, right?”

Before I could answer, Fate hugged Lisa.  “Yeah!  It’s perfectly fine!”

That night, I brushed out my hair before going to bed, thinking about what I had gotten my hair into.  I realized I needed to re-dye my hair, and decided to do that tomorrow, since I already had enough blue hair dye under the bathroom sink to last me a year or so.

I got under the covers on my bed, still mad at myself for giving in to Fate’s homecoming fantasy.

I turned off my lamp, and looked outside my window, up at the moon, and stars, when I saw something.  I wasn’t sure what, but it was pretty big, and moving quickly right outside my window.  When I sat up and looked around, I didn’t see anything, though.

You’re going insane, Destiny.  Calm down, there’s no one out there.

I decided this was good enough, and so I snuggled back into bed and surrendered into a calm, peaceful sleep.

[A/N:  What do you think?  Something might happen at the dance.  Or maybe not!  Keep reading to find out!  Please vote and comment!  Also, I dedicated this chapter to my close friend, for suggesting a new title for the story!]

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