Chapter 16: The Beggar

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Chapter 16

“My dad tries to run my life.  He thinks I’ll join the MRP, just because he started it up, making it like a family business or something-”

“Wait!  Your dad runs the top-secret CIA organization that killed my mother, and could very well be after me and my sister,” I said, unamused.  It worried me, and scared me, and surprised me, but I was used to speaking without emotion.

“I guess you could put it that way,” he said coldly.  “Anyway, so he expects me to join it, but I really don’t want to.  But you saved my life, using your powers, right?  This could put an end to the whole thing!  Showing that mutants can be helpful!  I mean, my dad has to listen to this, right?”

I shook my head.  “You’re so naive.  You tell him about me, and next thing we know, Lisa, Kayla and I are being shipped off to MRP headquarters to be ‘dealt with.’”  I made air quotes around those last two words to show him what I mean.

“No!  My dad wouldn’t hurt the psychic who saved my life,” he insisted.

“Ugh!  Wake up!”  I went to my door and opened it, calling Lisa and ‘Mikayla” in.  They came rushing, understanding from the fact I called Fate Mikayla that someone was here.

“Yeah?”  Lisa’s eyes shifted to Derek and smiled.  “Hi.  You must be Derek.”  She held out her hand and he took it, shaking it firmly and quickly and then releasing.

“Yes, Ma’am.  Um,” he looked at me with questioning eyes.

“Everyone sit down.  Derek here has a story to tell us.”  The three of us girls sat on my bed as he stood up and started talking, telling them the same thing he told me.

“Sorry, Derek, it’s too risky,” Lisa said as she stood up, shaking.  “One saved life won’t change anyone’s mind.”

“You don’t know my dad.  Trust me, it could work!”

“No, I don’t think it will,” I said again.

We debated for a few minutes until Fate, who had been silent, stood up.  “Shut up!”  She then turned and looked straight at Derek.  “I believe we can trust you with the secret.  I saw it in a vision.”  I was shocked.  We usually tell each other about our visions.  “I know you think that this’ll be the best option.  And I know things are going to work out.  So Destiny, tell him the story.”

And with that, she turned and left.  Lisa stood against the opposite wall from me and we exchanged glances.

“Who’s Destiny?”  I laughed at how stupid Derek was being.


After realizing why Fate told me to tell him, I told him everything.  I pulled extreme tears when I spoke about my mother.  Fate wanted me to tell him the whole story, hoping he’d pity us, and he’d understand what the MRP did to us.  Then she left, probably so he’d think she couldn’t stand hearing the story.

He was sorry for me.  I could see it in his eyes as I told him about the phone call days after my mother was “arrested,” and then shock when I told him our real names.

“Derek, you can’t tell anyone!”

“But if I do, you won’t have to be worried anymore.”

“You’re right.  Because if you tell your dad, we’ll be just like my mom in days.  Please,” I said, beginning to cry for real.  “Promise you won’t tell.”

He looked around the room.  “But things will be so much better if I tell him.”

“No,” I mouthed silently.  At some point in time, Lisa had left, not wanting to hear the story again.

“Hey, calm down.  Don’t cry.”

I sniffled, deciding to stop the tears.  “Derek, promise.”

“Fine, I promise.”

“Thank you,” I said gratefully as I stood up and walked over to hug him.  He bought it.  Of course, it was all the truth.

“It’s okay.  I’m not gonna tell anyone.”

“Thanks,” I repeated.

We stayed like that for a while, until I had to kick him out.  It was now two in the afternoon, and I was starving.  I hadn’t even had any breakfast, and now I was skipping lunch, too.

I walked him out to his car and he drove away, but not before he reassured me that he wouldn’t tell anyone, and I thanked him once more.

I went inside, first in search of food, but after grabbing a bag of potato chips, I changed my search for Fate.

“Fate!”  I was practically screaming.  She ducked her head out of her bedroom door timidly as if she knew what was coming.  “You had a vision?  About Derek?”

She nodded, still being quiet.

“And you never told me?  When was it?  What happened?  I thought we told each other about our visions?”  I honestly felt a little betrayed over this.  We always told each other about our visions.

“Um, I had the vision the week before we started school.”

“And what happened?”  I was getting a little impatient.  She was avoiding my questions.

“Um, well it was about Derek, and that’s how I knew he’d be okay at the party.  Because this vision was years in the future.”

“Uh huh.  So what happened,” I repeated.

“Um, I can’t tell you,” she offered.

“Ugh!”  I knew she wasn’t going to give up anytime soon.  “Fine.  You’re safe for now.  But this isn’t over.”  And with that, I walked into my room, deciding to do the homework I had put off all weekend.

The next day, I stepped out of the car to realize it was spirit week.  I was disappointed.  Fate and I always loved spirit week, but this school had done nothing to get the word out as far as I knew.  But all over school, people were dressed like TV characters for Disney day.

My sister and I exchanged a quick glance and frowned.  I made a mental note to find out what tomorrow was.

But of course it was this week.  The homecoming game was this Friday.  A week after the dance.  The Buchanan Bullfrogs were going up against the Monroe Mountain Lions this weekend, and I knew we’d lose.  Not because I’m psychic, but our team sucks.  I mean, our mascot is a slimy green reptile that’s virtually good for absolutely nothing.

I headed off to first period, and ran into Nicole.  She had her usual perky smile on, and she greeted me happily.

“Hi, Lizzy!  How was your Sunday?  Mine totally sucked!  My dad didn’t pay our electricity bill, so we were out of power for hours!”

“Oh.  You could have come over,” I said, adding in my head “If my day hadn’t been a million times worse than that.”

“No, I didn’t want to be a burden.”

I laughed.  So you just force your friendship on people?  No, Nicole was really nice.  I could just tell her to go away if I really wanted her to, and she would.

She started walking with me and talking, and I looked down the hall to see a certain dark haired boy looking at me from twenty feet away.

“You’re fine,” he mouthed, and I replied with my lips forming a “thank you.”

[A/N: Hey!  I love you guys!  Thank you for reading!  But please vote and comment!  And tell your friends!  So, what do you think of Derek now?  And what about the dad?  Should Destiny go tlk to him?]

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