Epilogue: My Day

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I sat in front of my mirror, Fate putting my blonde hair in a bun.  It’s been three years since that day that we escaped.  Now, I’m sitting on my wedding day, looking back at who I had been, and what had made me that way.

I was cold, and strange, and me for me.  No one else could affect my decision, and I was proud of that.  I still am proud of that.

But I changed a little bit.  I stopped dying my hair blue, for example.  About a year after the incident, I decided I didn’t need to stand out so much just to be my own person.  But the day I died it back to my original color, Derek had seemed slightly upset.  “The blue was you,” he had said.  So I still have it with me.  A little streak on the side of my head.

As for Derek himself, after rescuing me single handedly, he asked me out.  And how could I say no to my savior?  We dated two years, and now we’re walking down the aisle.  He seems to make me a better person every day, and I feel as though he continues to save me.

But I think what everyone reading this is wondering right now what happened to the MRP.

The very next day after Derek saved us all, news broke out about it all.  And one of the most featured stories was my own.  The reporters just ate up the sad little story of the young girl who lost her mother, for years thought she was dead, and then was spit into the world of psychics.

The government had cut all funds, and shut down the MRP once and for all.  Derek’s father had come to Derek’s door and asked for refuge until he could get back on his feet from losing his job, but Derek had instead, punched him in the face, and told him never to come back.

And also, the government is paying all of us, “the survivors,” thousands of dollars a year to make up for all the damage they caused.  This money was helping us put me and Fate through college.

And Derek, true to his word, had already helped Lisa.  When we got out, she was with the reporters, ready to take us home.

And our mother had put Denis in a mental hospital.  Apparently, the MRP had messed with his mind a little too much, and he’d gone slightly insane with the idea of finding his one true love again.  Now, Lisa, Fate, my mother and I all live together in the same house we had when the incident started.  Fate and I could put down roots for once.  And now, we both attended the local community college.

Unfortunately, not everyone had a happily ever after.  I mean, other than mine, and Derek’s fathers.  When we had gotten back, Fate had discovered that Logan now had a new girlfriend, claiming Fate had disappeared, and he had a right to date around, rather than “be stuck with a psychic freak forever.”

She dumped him right on the spot.  It had been hard for her, it being her first break up and all, but it hadn’t been her last.  Unlike me, who only ever dated one guy, she had had multiple boyfriends all through high school.  In fact, now, she had invited a new boyfriend to the wedding today.  His name was Christian or something, and he was a perfect gentleman, I thought.

But most everyone else handled the idea of having psychics better.  Logan was one of the few people who had looked down on either of us, even now that the whole country now knew what we were.

I was pulled out of my string of thought by Fate starting to go on and on about how beautiful I looked, but she wouldn’t let me see until it was all done.

My dress was white (obviously) with a dark blue sash around the waist, clipped on by a flower pin.  I couldn’t not wear blue.  It was a strapless gown with a cute little shrug and a tiny train.  Since the event of dying my hair blonde, I had also become slightly more fashion forward.  Not completely, though.  I still wear my quote tees, but I will also dress a little more professionally sometimes, like to work.

I work as a psychologist intern, believe it or not.  Me, who needed a psychiatrist more than anyone else in the world, is going into psychology.  Fate on the other hand, had no idea what she wanted to do with her life.

Finally, Fate turned me around to see the mirror.  And when I saw my reflection, I gasped.  Fate had transformed me into a beautiful bride.

My hair was in a classy bun with curls flowing down, and my face was clear and beautiful, with just a small layer of makeup consisting of pink lip gloss, foundation that wasn’t noticeable at all, and faint eye shadow and liner.

“Destiny, do you remember that vision I never told you about?  The reason I trusted Derek back then?”  I nodded, confused why she was bringing it up now.  “This is it.”

I looked back at her, and smiled.  “How did you know I was marrying Derek?”

My sister shrugged.  “I just did.  I think I was always slightly more powerful than you.  I could sense things in my visions that weren’t exactly explained.”

It was true, I think.  She always had been right with a lot of things.

I looked at Fate and got up to give her the biggest hug ever.  Probably the last hug of us both being unmarried.

Fate, of course was my maid of honor, in a knee length blue dress the color of my sash, and a lighter blue sash of her own, with tin straps.  It was very simple and plain, and I think she secretly hated it for that, but it was my day, after all.

Lisa and my mother were my other bridesmaids, along with Nicole, who had been more excited than shocked when she discovered what I was.  We had become good friends over the years.  Their dresses were the same as Fate’s, but only without the sash.

We heard the wedding march start, and I grabbed my bouquet of blue roses.  By the way, do you know how hard it is to get blue flowers?  Extremely.

I whispered over to Fate before the doors to the dressing room opened, “You better catch the bouquet tonight.”

“Oh believe me, I know I will.”

[A/N: So what did you think of that ending?  Well, I'm finally done!  What should I write now?  Will you read it?  Please vote and comment if you liked the book, by the way!

Now, time to be serious, and hand out thank yous!  A special thanks to Jonlie and Ayralea, my honorary little sisters who kept inspiring me to write more.  Thank you to Destiny and Fate for being real to me.  And thank you to all my readers, for surely I wouldn't be here, writing my very last author's note in this whole book without your support (even if you never vote or comment)!

Now, I bid you all farewell, and say goodbye, and check out my other works!]

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