Chapter 5: The Loophole

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Chapter 5

Lisa pulled up to the school, and I opened the car door, stepping out, slinging my book bag onto my back.  “Bye girls!  See you after school!  And, Kayla, don’t be late this time.”

I looked around and saw there were already a lot of people here, opposed to yesterday when we had come a few minutes early.  I walked in the front doors, and decided to check out the library this morning.

I am a total bookworm.  I would much rather read books than the future.  Of course, I would rather do a lot of things than see the future.  I honestly hate it sometimes, with all the lies and secrecy, and it’s just weird, knowing things that no one else knows, that will change their lives.  It’s like going against nature.

I got to the library, and was not just unimpressed, but I was actually disgusted at the small variety of book choices.  All there was, were a few shelves of romance books, manga, horror, and then the rest were non-fiction books for research.

I looked through the horror, and found a book with a cool cover, and read the description on the book, and decided to put it back, and go to the public library after school.

I picked my bag up from the floor and walked out the door.  Just then, the bell rang, signaling that I had to go to my first period class.  I grimaced, and walked off to English to talk to a certain guy in a lot of trouble.

“Hey, I need to talk to you.”

He, who was talking to some other people, turned around and looked up at me.  “Yeah?”

His tone of voice suggested that he wanted to forget all about the previous night.

I looked at the people around us and elaborated, “in private.”

He nodded and stood up, walking over to the back corner of the room with me.  “Yeah?”

“Um, this is gonna sound really crazy, and I can’t explain, but please, don’t go to that party on Friday.”

“Why not?  It’s a huge thing.  Everyone goes.  You’re a total outcast if you miss out.”

I was hurt for a second, and then buried that pain and replied, “I told you, I can’t tell you, but it’ll be better for you if you skip.”

He looked unconvinced and shook his head.  “Best party of the year.  I can’t just not go.”

“Yes you can!  If you go, something will happen, and there won’t be any going back.”

“I’m gonna need more information than that, Lizzy.”

I was getting really frustrated.  “Well, you’re not going to get any.”

“Well then, I’m going to the party.”

I was really frustrated now.  “Whatever.  But when you get hurt, don’t come crying to me.”

And with that, I stormed away to the other side of the room, finding a seat in the back again, just as the bell rang and the teacher came in and began writing on the board.

That afternoon at lunch, I got some disgusting fish fingers and ended up throwing them away.  Logan sat with us at the beginning, but then had to go talk to a teacher about something.

“So, how’d things go with Derek?”

I looked down at my water bottle, ashamed of myself.  “Um, it was frustrating, and he’s not backing down from the party.”

She frowned.  “Then what are we going to do?”

I brought my voice down to a whisper as people walked past our table.  “We?  No no.  this is between me and Derek, and I’m not sure I can do anything.  You know the visions.  They always come true, no matter what happens.”

“Okay.  Then let’s find a loophole.”  Was she serious?  This isn’t some contract!  It was a vision of the future.  “Tell me exactly what you saw.”

“Um, I saw a party in a huge house-“

“That doesn’t mean it was the Wood party.”

“That doesn’t mean it wasn’t.  Trust me, it was Friday.  Um, so I saw everyone getting drunk.  Derek and a bunch of people were drunk and laughing, and then Derek tried to walk away.  That was when he stepped on a beer bottle.  It cut into his foot, and he fell back, hitting his head on a wall.  He was knocked out, and everyone just stood there, too drunk to call 911.  Then, Derek’s life aura started to fade really slowly.  Then you woke me up.”

She smiled as if she found something.  “Wait, so his light just faded.  It didn’t go out?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Okay, new plan!  You’re going to the party!”

I stared at her blankly.  “You’re going to go, and when the vision starts to happen, call 911!  Fool proof!  They’ll get there before he dies, and save him!  You said you never saw him actually die.”

I smiled, finally understanding.  “You, my sister, are a genius!”  Just then, the bell rang, so I stood up, grabbing my bag and kissing the top of her head.

The rest of the day went quickly, and at the end of seventh period, I ran to catch up to Derek.

“Hey!  Um, I thought I’d let you know, my sister’s giving me so much grief about last night, and I thought about it, and I actually would like to go to the party.”

He stared at me blankly, confused.  “Uh huh.  This morning you were telling me not to go, and now you’re coming too?”

“Yup,” I said, popping the p, and then walked away before he could say anything else.

I really didn’t want to go to the party, but I suddenly felt like I could go against a vision.  I felt almost powerful.

[A/N: Hey!  How am I doing?  Sorry this one was so short!  I finally have 10 reads!  That’s victory right there!  Do any of you know how to interperet dreams?  If so, message me, because I just had one last night that freaked me out.  Vote and comment!]

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