Chapter 17: The "Date"

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Chapter 17

The day dragged on and on.  I knew we could trust Derek.  I knew it deep within my soul, that he would never betray our secret.  But I’m not used to trusting.  I’ve gone my whole life learning not to trust anyone, no matter the circumstances.  Just Fate and Lisa.

My mind told me it was okay.  He was safe to trust.  But my instincts were telling me to do something to get rid of him.

So when Lisa picked us up from school, I was surprised to hear her say, “Destiny, I think you should spend more time with Derek.”

“Why?”  She was normally less trusting than me.

“I’m not sure if we should trust him.  And you know what they say; ‘keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.’”

“I thought he wasn’t a threat,” I teased.  In other words, Lisa was just telling me I could very well be right to mistrust him.

“Just a safety precaution,” she said, shaking off any signs of fear from her features.

“Trust me, guys, he’s perfectly fine.  If anything, he’ll be the one there to save us.”

“Then explain the vision I had,” I snapped at her.

“Well, explain the dream I had!  They can’t both come true, Destiny!”

“Well maybe that would make more sense if I knew what the dream was,” I pushed.  But it wasn’t getting me anywhere.  She wasn’t going to spill.

“You’ll just have to wait and see.”

“Fate, maybe you should tell us about the vision you had,” Lisa reasons.

“Nope.”  So simple.  How could she be so emotionless about a subject like this?

“Whatever.  We’re not gonna get anything out of her, Lisa.”

“Now you understand!”

“Whatever, Twit.”

She pretended to gasp in offence.  “I’m not a pregnant goldfish!”

“You sure about that,” I teased.


The next day at school, I took Lisa’s advice.  If I’m with Derek more, he won’t have the time to call his dad in, right?

“Derek, we should hang out sometime.”

We were walking to first period together, since he had developed a habit of meeting me at the front door over the last couple days.

“We should,” he asked as he craned his neck to look at me.

“Yeah.  You know, since we’re practically besties now.  We could go bowling or something.”  When I saw the smile on his face, I quickly added, “And we could invite Nicole, too.”

This flipped his smile upside down, but then he hid it with an artificial smile, and nodded.  “Yeah, that would be cool.  Pick a time.”

I saw he was about to go talk to someone else, so I quickly said, “Um, how about today after school?  You have a car, right?  We could just all go together.”

“Oh, yeah.  Sure.  But I have to go talk to the teacher about the makeup work I have to do.  I was in a coma for a few weeks, remember.”

And as he stalked towards the front of the room, he clenched his fists into balls, like he was trying hard to remain calm.  Why?  I couldn’t help asking myself that.  Did I do something wrong?  I mean, I got his hopes up and then shot him down.  Was that really bad?  I wasn’t going to wonder why he cared.  That much was kind of obvious.  I mean, I have eyes.  And a brain.  So it wasn’t hard to believe he had some sort of crush on me or something.  Or, he was just pretending to get on my good side.

Either way, it didn’t matter.  Why would I ever want a boyfriend?  What’s the point?  My dad left my mom, and I haven’t believed in long lasting relationships since.

We sat in Derek’s car as he drove to the closest bowling alley.  Nicole had happily agreed to come with us, even though she kept asking if I was sure I didn’t want to be alone with him or something.  As if there was something between us.

But now she’s sitting in the backseat.  Apparently the two have been friends for years.  Their mom’s are supposedly friends.  Is she with the MRP?  No.  She’s too perky.

“I have to be home by six, just so you know.”

“Okay, Nicky,” Derek said teasingly.  She seemed upset by this and leans forward to nearly kill him with her bare hands when he says calmly, “You wouldn’t.”

“Give me one good reason.  No one calls me Nicky.”

“No.  But I’m driving.  You kill me and we both go down.”

I could tell they were playing around, but I suddenly felt like I’d been plucked from the world of happy normalcy (Well, as normal as things ever could be for a psychic) and inserted into a spy movie of sorts.

Derek seemed to sense my uneasiness and turned his attention back to the road.

“Hey, thanks you guys.  See you at school!”  Nicole hopped out of the car and skipped up her front steps into the house.

It wasn’t yet dark, but the sun was beginning to set, and my heart was starting to race.  I was alone with the son of my enemy.  You can trust him, Destiny.

But I knew that was false hope, false trust.  I still hadn’t made up my mind as to whether or not I trusted this boy.  The boy who acted crazy.  In love with me?  Unlikely.

“Your house now, Destiny?”

I still jump every time he says my name.  I’ll never get used to that, will I?  No one’s called me that, outside my family, in years.  And those people never spoke to me much anyway.

“Uh, yeah, thanks.”

That was normal, right?  He had paid for the three of us to play a couple games, and then shared his nachos.  The thought of the grease still makes my stomach churn.

We rode in silence, but it wasn’t weird, because my house turned out to be just a couple minutes away.

“Oh.  Thank you,” I said when I realized we were in my driveway.  I opened the door and realized Derek was doing the same.  Walking me to the door?  He didn’t do that for Nicole.

We walked to the porch and I walked around so I was at my bedroom door before I turned to say goodbye to him.  However, I never got the words out, because the second I opened my mouth, I felt his lips on mine.

[A/N:  So, I really need advice.  What do you think Destiny’s reaction to the kiss should be?  Please vote, and comment your ideas.  I really want to hear from anyone reading this, even though it’s like the least popular story on wattpad with 17 chapters and only 70 reads.  But hey, you have to start off somewhere!]

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