Adopted By Dan Howell

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Hi! My name is Alex and I am 14. Yes, I'm a girl. I live in and orphanage. My parent didn't want to give birth to me, nor did they want to kill me so they gave birth to me and they left me outside of the orphanage in a blanket with a note that said...

Birthday: March 31, 1999

Name: Alexandra Rose


Please take good care of her.

So yea, I don't have a last name so I just go by Alex Rose. I have been here since my birth so i am used to it. I hate to admit that I am an accident. I don't have any friends and I spend all my days in my room that I have alone because the owner and I are really close. I have learned to like being here because it has been my home for 14 years. Many people have wanted to adopt me until the cuter, younger kids stole the show. For my 13 birthday, Mrs. Leachman (The owner) got me a really simple laptop. I watch a lot of YouTube and play alot of video games. I also have a flip cell phone because Mrs.Leachman also gave it to me. Oh, I forgot to say I am in London.

Adopted by Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now