Chapter 7 ;)

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Chapter 7

Ugh! Work is so slow today! I wish I was with Rachel and the boys. It's their last day here and I have to work the Drive-Thru at work. Fun, I know.


I walked into Starbucks. The girl on cashier looked like she was about to scream. I quickly walked over to her, signaling for her to keep quiet.

"I'm looking for Eleanor."

The girls eyes went wide as she nodded. She silently directed me to a seat and went to get Eleanor.


"I so don't believe this, but Niall Horan of One Direction is looking for you."

Megan, my snobby co-worker, said in a rush. Thank god my shift is over. I quickly handed the next person the headset and put my apron away.


"You Came!"

She said giving me a hug.

"I promised I would."

She smiled as I took her hand and led her to the car. Lucky for her, she walks to work so she's never late. 

"So, where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you."

She pouted and got into the car. I'm taking her to Disney. It's now almost half 3 and I definitely want to stay for the fireworks. I'm going to make this day absolutely fantastic! I handed her a blindfold.

"Put it on."


"Just put it on and don't take it off until I say to."

Ellie hesitated, but put on the blindfold. I made sure she couldn't see then I headed for Disney.


I've never been so nervous about a girl before. I really like her. I have the whole thing set up on the beach. By the time we walk to the dock it will be dark and the dock with be lit up with white lights. I can't even describe it.

"Harry, where are you taking me?"

Rachel asked. I had put a tie over her eyes. 

"You'll see when we get there. I just have to park."

She made a pouty face and crossed her arms.

"Hurry up. I hate not being able to see."

I laughed and pulled into a parking lot. 

"Leave the blindfold on."

I said getting out of the car. I walked around to the passenger door and helped her out. I took her soft hand and led her to the beach. Lucky for me, I got the beach closed off for the rest of the night. I stopped at the steps and took the tie off of her.

"The beach?"

So far so good. She has no idea what mt plan is.

"Yea, the sun is setting. Walk with me, love?"

I said holding out my hand. She hesitated, but took my hand and we began to walk.


Niall led me a whole bunch of ways. I heard a lot of people and we even got stopped a couple of times. We finally stopped and he took off my blindfold. Oh my god!

"Disney!!! Oh my god, no way!"

I turned to him and gave him a huge hug. He chuckled as a faint blush crept up his face. He's too cute. 

"I'm glad your excited. Now, lets hit the rides, yeah?"

We went on practically all the rides including Small World. Thank god he loves roller coasters! I'd say it's about 7pm since it's dark out. I found a cozy spot on the sidewalk and sat down, waiting for the fireworks to begin.


We walked and talked for a few hours. It's now dark outside and Harry covered my eyes yet again.

"Ugh, Harry, where are you taking me now?"

He just laughed at how impatient I am. We walked for about 20 minutes until we stopped. His hands, which are covering my eyes, are shaking slightly.

"Alright love, we're here."

He said removing his hands. Wow! It's absolutely amazing. We came to a dock which was lit up by little square lights. There was a table in the middle with a little candle on it. It's set for 2.  There's a tray next to the table which I'm assuming has food on it. Overall it's just breath-takingly beautiful! I turned to Harry who was running his hand through his hair. That's something he does when he's nervous.


"This is beautiful."

She said. I smiled and led her to her seat. I pulled out her chair for her and served her. Then I served myself.


I sat behind Ellie and pulled her close to me. Some random wanker was checking her out. I gave him a death glare as she settled into my chest. Finally, the fireworks began.


The dinner and desert was absolutely delicious! We are now at my door and I'm almost positive that Harry likes me.

"So, what was all that about?"

"What was all what about?"


"The beach, dinner, everything?"

I totally thought that I could do this, but I can't.

"Just a way of saying goodbye to an amazing friend."

Her smile faltered a bit.

"Right, well I'll see you in the morning."

I gave her a hug and left.


I walked Ellie to her door.

"Why did you take me to Disney, Niall?"

"I, uhmm, I wanted to make today amazing."

She smiled.

"It was more than amazing."

"Not yet."

She looked at me.

"There's one more thing."


He lent down and his soft lips connected with mine. It wasn't a hungry kiss, but a slow passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist as my fingers ran through his extra soft hair.


"Now it's more than amazing."

He said, kissing me once more before heading to his car.

"See you in the morning, love."

I stood on my doorstep, watching him leave with tingling lips.


I went inside, went to my room, and cried myself to sleep. Everything was going so well. I could have sworn he liked me. What happened? God, it just feels amazing to be lead on.

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