Chapter 20 \(^_^)/

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Sooooo depending on how this chapter goes it might or might not be the last chapter :O

Chapter 20 (Harry)

I honestly didn't think she was going to come.


She said with crossed arms. I motioned for her to sit on the bench and handed her the buquet of flowers I got her. She took them and waited for me to explain.


Harry took out his Iphone and put on a video before handing it to me.

"Just watch. It explains everything."

I sighed and watched the video. I watched as Harry flipped out on Megan. I watched as he told her off and ran out of the building after me. I watched as Eleanor spazzed on her and slapped her. I watched all of this. I was wrong the whole time. This whole fucking time I could have known the truth, but I refused to even talk to him. I looked at Harry, who was looking at his hands. I handed him back his Iphone when he finally looked at me.


He held up his hand and shook his head.

"Rachel, just listen, okay?"

I nodded when he looked at me, making sure I wasn't going to interrupt him.

"Rachel, I should have told you about Megan. I should have told you about the publicity stunt, but I didn't because I finally had you in my life again. I finally got you talking to me again and when  you agreed to give me a second chance I was too scared to tell you about the publicity stunt because I was scared that I would ruin what we had. What we were starting to have. I couldn't take the risk of you getting mad at me again."

I looked down at my  hands away from his piercing gaze.

"You should have just told me, Harry. I would have understood."

He sighed.

"I realize that now. I realize the mistake I made, but I honestly never expected her to show up like that. Believe me, Rachel, I would never cheat on you. I would never do anything to hurt you like that. You're too precious to me and I stongly believe that I've fallen in love with you."

My eyes went went wide and my heart beat sped up as he continued.


I've never poured my heart out like this before, but Rachel is 100% worth it.

"I've fallen in love with your hair, your eyes, your smile, your dimples, your laugh, your tattoo, the way your eyes light up when you're mad, the way you care about everyone more than yourself, how when we first met you treated me like I was a normal person. I fell in love with everything about you and I don't want to lose you now. I don't want to lose you ever. I honestly think that you're the one for me and I know this is corny and you probably think that every guy says this, but I want to be with you forever, okay? I want to be able to hold you while you sleep and wake up to you in the mornings. I want to be there for you when you cry so I can wipe your tears away. I want to be able to cook for you and take care of you when you're sick. I just want to be with you and only you. I don't want to go a day without you in my life. Do you understand what I'm telling you? I love you, Rachel."

When she finally looked at me she had tears in her eyes. My heart dropped. She's not going to forgive me. Then, she smiled.

"Do you really mean all of that?"

She whispered, looking at her hands. I turned her head so she was looking me in the eyes. I want her to see how much I care for her.

"I ment every word of it."

She sighed and smiled again.

"Harry, I'm so sorry. I should have listened instead of leaving like I did."

I shook my head and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Don't even apologize. If I would have told you in the first place we wouldn't have been in this situation."

"I'm still sorry, though."

I chuckled and just held her.

"Wait, does this mean I'm forgiven?"

I asked, pulling away from her. She laughed and kissed me. I'll take that as a yes. I thought as I deepened the kiss.

"YES! It worked, Liam, it worked!"

Rachel and I broke apart to see Louis jumping up and down as everyone else just shook their heads.

"Yeah, uhm, Liam came up with this whole idea, but everything I said came from me."

She laughed and shook her head before kissing me again. She pulled away and looked at me.


I asked as she stared at me.

"I love you, Harry Styles."

I smiled.

"I love you, Rachel Harris. With all of my heart."

Wow! So yeah, this was indeed the last chapter. :( *Sigh* all good things come to an end.

Well I really hope you enjoyed this story!

I'm probably not going to do a sequel.

So check out my other stories!! Please and thankyou.




Thankyou so much for reading!! You're all amazayn ;) Haha!

xx Jalynn :)

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