Chapter 11 :))))))))))

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Chapter 11(A few days later)

Harry has been doing everything in creation to make sure I don’t get mad at him. Not even fake mad at him. Whenever I get fake mad at him he goes into full apology mode. It’s adorable how quickly he wants me to be happy. I sighed and sat down on the couch. We’re at Zayn’s parents house. We’re waiting for the boys to finish changing so we can go swimming. I swear they’re bigger girls than me and Ellie.

“They are taking forever!”

Ellie groaned as she sat next to me.

“Dude, I still can’t believe that they have an indoor pool.”

“Oh my god, I know! It’s so cool.”

“So how many months has it been?”

Ellie blushed and smiled.

“It’ll be four months this month.”

“Awe, I’m happy for you.”


We sat in silence for a few minutes until our phones vibrated.

Harry Styles @CityOfHarry

Aren’t they adorable? X

@Rachel Harris @EllieReese

I clicked the link to see a picture of me and Ellie smiling. Ugh! These boys are too sneaky.

“Like the picture, ladies?”

Harry asked as they came down the stairs. Well, they’ve been working out. 

“Harry looks good.”

Ellie whispered so only I could her. She poked my arm and I felt a blush creep up my neck to my face. I gave her a look and she smirked.

“Why so red, miss Rachel?”

Liam asked. Knowing him he probably already knew. I talk to or text Liam everyday. We have grown so close and I tell him everything. We also talk about Harry a lot and he knows that my feelings for Harry never left, but I’m scared to give him a chance. He’s always telling me that it won’t be like the last time and I want to believe Liam because I trust him, but I don’t know if I can.

“Shut. Up.”

I said as he laughed. We received some weird looks from the other boys.

“So, can we go swimming now?”

Ellie asked. Oh how I love her and her ways of changing the subject.

“Yes! Let’s go!”

Louis screamed and ran towards the pool area. We all followed him and watched him toss his stuff onto a chair and jump into the pool.

“It’s heated!”

He shouted with a big smile on his face. Zayn smiled proudly and also jumped into the pool. Soon everyone was in the pool but me. Ugh! This reminds me of when we went to the beach. I still have yet to learn how to swim and it sucks.


“Go talk to her, mate, she looks lonely.”

Liam said pushing me towards the pool steps. I watched as she sat on the lounge chair, listening to music and watching everyone else have fun.

“I don’t know. She doesn’t trust me and our conversations are a bit awkward.”

“You already know why she doesn’t trust you, but you can fix that and your conversations won’t be as awkward if you continue to talk to her.”

Sometimes I just hate it when Liam is right. I sighed and got out of the pool. I grabbed my towel and made my way to Rachel.


I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped a little. I turned to see Harry. 

“What in the world are you listening to?”

I looked down at my ipod.

“Uhmm, Welcome to the Family by A Day to Remember. It’s, uhhh, rock music.”

He nodded.

“Never knew you were into that kind of music.”

I nodded.

“I’ve always been.”

He nodded. Cue awkward silence. Once again we don’t know what to say to each other. How are we ever going to completely fix things if we can hardly keep a conversation going? 

“So, you wanna play marco polo?”

He asked.


She shook her head.

“Uhm, I still don’t know how to swim.”

“Come on, I’ll teach you.”


He held out his hand to me. I hesitated, debating on whether I trust him enough to go into a pool with him.


Slowly, she put her things down and took my hand. I led her to the shallow end of the pool and got in. The water goes up to my mid waist. She got in slowly and I led her to the deeper water. She inhaled and grabbed on to me.

“It’s alright, love, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”


And I believed him 100%. I know it makes no sense, but having Harry teach me how to swim showed me that he’s different and I trust him again. I really do. With all that happened between us I feel like it’s time we started completely fresh.

“Harry, go for a walk with me?”

He nodded and we left the others. We ended up walking to a little park in the complex. It’s beautiful out. It’s a bit windy, but it’s warm and the sun is setting. I sat on a bench and Harry sat next to me.

“Uhm, I just wanted you to know that I trust you again.”

I said looking at my hands.

“Like, fully?”

I nodded. He was quiet so I looked up at him to see him full on beaming. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this boy smile so hard. It’s contagious. Then all of a sudden he was serious again. He tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear as his bright green eyes searched my face.


He sighed.

“Is there any way that I can get another chance?”

I looked down. I know exactly what he’s talking about.

“Another chance at what?”

I could tell that he knew I knew, but he answered me anyway.

“Another chance at showing you how much I truly care for you and maybe getting you to like me more than a friend?”

If only he knew. I already like him more than a friend. I always have. Even when I wasn’t talking to him my feelings stayed the same. I looked up at him and into his forever color changing eyes and answered him.


Here's a new chapter :3 I really hope you guys like it :) <3 vote? comment? 

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Comment with an answer, yeah?

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