Chapter 9 :O

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Chapter 9 ( 4 Months Later)

“Lads! I finished the song!”

I shouted as I ran into the living room of Liam’s mom’s house. It’s been four months since we left America. I haven’t talked to Rachel since. She won’t answer my calls, texts, or anything. I’ve talked to Ellie about it and I really screwed up. Rachel really liked me and I never told her how I feel about her. So, I wrote a song to sing to her. They’re coming to visit us in London.

“Let’s hear it, mate.”

I sang it for them. When I was done they all had smirks.


“What’s the song called?”

Zayn asked.

“I Should’ve Kissed You.”

The lads looked at each other then at me again.


“That song is obviously about Rachel.”

It wasn’t a question. I guess I’ve been kind of obvious with my feelings lately and this song describes how I feel. When words fail music speaks.

“Of course. I was hoping we could sing it at the concert?”

Zayn put his hand on my shoulder.

“We’re definitely singing it at the concert. Shall we give it to Kelly?”

We all agreed and gave Kelly a call to come to the house.


“Why are you making me go with you?”

I asked as I put some more clothes into my suitcase.

“One, I don’t want to go alone and Two, you and Harry need to work this out! You both obviously still like each other!!”

I rolled my eyes. Please.

“If he liked me he wouldn’t have just left me standing at my door like an idiot.”

Now it was Ellie’s turn to roll her eyes. I mean, I know she’s right, but I felt so stupid and hurt. Like, he set all that up and we had a great time, we even danced a little, for him to say I’m an amazing friend? Friends don’t do things like that for other friends. At least not that I know of.

“It’s been four months, Rach. He calls and texts you everyday!”

I sat down and put my head in my hands. Just then my phone started to vibrate. It was Harry.

“Answer it.”

Ellie said as I looked at the screen. I shook my head and let it go to voicemail.

“I can’t.”

She sighed and helped me bring my things downstairs. We Leave tomorrow bright and early.


Still no answer. I sighed and put my phone away. Kelly loved the song. She took it to the rest of the band sot hey could add music to it while we practiced the lyrics. Our concert is the day after tomorrow. Rachel and Eleanor come to London tomorrow at around 11AM our time.

“Haz, Kelly emailed the music so we can start practicing now!”

Louis shouted from the other room. I put my phone in my pocket, just in case, and went to practice with the lads.



My annoying alarm clock shrieked. Ugh! I don’t want to do this. I got up and went to take a shower. Ellie was already up and eating cereal. I straightened my curly hair, applied some make up, and got dressed in a pair of white skinny jeans, a blue cropped T, and blue Toms. I went to join Ellie to eat some breakfast before we left.

“Twenty minutes, hurry up.”

She said as she cleaned her bowl. When the boys left Ellie and I decided that it was time we got our own place. We have a small 2 bedroom apartment.

“I’m not going to lie, I’m going to miss out place while we’re gone.”

She said, wiping away a fake tear. I laughed and finished the rest of my cereal. Our cab should be here in less than a minute. We grabbed our bags and went to wait outside.


“This is it.”

Niall said as we watched people get off the plane. We were all excited to see them. Especially with our plan for the concert tomorrow.


Ellie squeezed my shoulder as we finally got off the plane. It was completely full and our seats were in the back. She spotted Nialler and ran over to him nearly knocking him over. Me? Well, I just walked over to the guys. I gave Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall a hug.


Everyone was quiet and watched as Rachel looked at me.

“Hi, Rachel.”

I said running a hand through my curls. She looked away and headed for baggage claim.

“Don’t worry, Harry, the song will work. Trust me.”

Ellie said as we followed Rachel.

“I hope so.”

I said never taking my eyes from where Rachel was standing, waiting for the bags.

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