5: Charmer

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My heart was pumping so hard I could feel the throb in my head.

"One more time?" Oscar asked through his breath. We were both out of it from dancing for so long.

I nodded because I was too weak to answer any other way but I had to push myself, all four of us did.

OG pressed some buttons on a remote before Ex factor began to vibrate through the walls.

We all began to move in a synchronized fashion. Our arms and legs spun and twisted and stopped and began at different rates all working together to make our final piece.

"Great job guys, that was seriously awesome." Omar grinned, I was just as impressed with what we had come up with as he was.

"Do you think we can go to the shop now? I have to meet up with Renée later tonight." Oscar smiled.

"Oooh getting it on already are you?" I teased, he was not impressed. However Omar, OG and I laughed at the ridiculous comment.

"Sure we can leave." OG waved as we made our way out the door.

The shop was the pizza place that ran below on the street corner a perfect walking distance from the dance studio. We often found ourselves there to grab supper and hang out.

"So I heard Maja moved, is this true?" Oscar asked walking beside me.

"Yes, like last year, why is she such a concern all of a sudden?" I questioned Oscar, my annoyance of this topic was heightening by the minute.

"Well she really made you happy just making sure you alright bro."

"Well I am fine it's seriously not affecting me."

We entered the shop and sat down at the closest booth to the wood burning stove, this was always the warmest place to sit and also you got a perfect view of all the action. Chefs would be flinging dough everywhere and shouting orders back and forth. This was great to keep Omar's short attention span busy.

"Well I just wanted to make sure you are over her." Oscar and OG exchanged glances as they spoke to me.

"Why what is going on?" They were acting very suspicious exchanging weary glances with each other..

"Nothing, what are you going to order?"

I personally always got something different every time so i could try something new.

"The Africana pizza." I smiled impressed with my choice. The table tops were bright red in this restaurant, and the entire place smelt like pizza and cheese. I never realized how starving I was until now.

OG nodded and observed the menu closer as we ordered our meals.

"I was thinking about picking up snowboarding again this winter." Oscar began. "I miss hitting the slopes."

"Thats actually awesome, I'll join you." Omar smiling.

I zoned out and began thinking about Maja and my weird experience in the forest.

"Hey do you know the forest near our school?" I interrupted the conversation floating around the table.

"Yea, I guess."

"Well there is a shack along the path." I stated as our food was placed on the table. "I think we should all go there and hang out or dance or something."

I got a looks from them, all making the same face raising the same eyebrow and the same half smirk.

"I think we should stay out of the forest, and dance in the studio where we are supposed to." Oscar responded to me laughing, he wavered his fork around before shovelling noodles into his mouth.

Dear Writer, - The Fooo Conspiracy (Felix Sandman)Where stories live. Discover now