15: Camouflage

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I stand in line at a fish market waiting for my number to be called.


Nope. I sigh.

"Felix, make sure you pick up two cod fish for tonight; and carrots! Don't forget the carrots."

My mother had told me this earlier. She hosts so many dinner parties I don't even like being in my house anymore. "Felix! you have gotten so big!" they would say. "It has only been a week Mr.Mansson." I would tell him back. Luckily I can avoid her party tonight because I have my own business to take care of.


I glance up from my phone, twitter is going off like crazy anyway. Many old people surround me waiting in line. The man behind me so old He could practically die here in the line waiting for his stupid number to be called.


Finally! I move forward towards the glass and observe my choices.

"I would like those two cod please."

The man behind the desk nods an places them in my hand as I move over to the register to pay.

Oscar is expecting me at his house in an hour or so. I hurry home and drop off the groceries.

"Thanks hun." My mom smiles at me.

"No problem." I turn to leave for my room until she calls me agin.

"Felix? I have to ask you something." my mother stands behind the counter waving a celery stalk in the air. I nod.

"Have you been running off into the forest?"

Everyone here knows the forest isn't safe. Many news articles are released about murders and abuse in the woods.

"Yes." I say weakly.

Her eyes turn glossy and she looks away from me. It's too much to handle.

"I don't know your motivation is, but I would like you to stop."

She wipes a falling tear off of her face and continues chopping vegetables.

"This year alone Felix, there has been six murders. Men are crazy and on the loose." She chops faster and faster as her nerves heighten. "Plus! Your father is already gone doing who knows what and I am here alone!" She slams down her knife to the cutting board and closes her eyes. "All I have is you..."

Silence fills the room an I feel an increasing tension between us.

"Your not going to loose me." I say weakly. I move towards the counter so I stand facing her and wrap my arms around her shoulders. I have already grown at least a full head taller than her and I can feel her tears soak through my shirt.

"I love you mom." I say, holding her face between my hands kissing her forehead. "Now, you have fun tonight, invite your friends, even drink a little."

She smiles and looks into my eyes the way every loving mother does.

"I will stay away from there if it worries you but I am going to Oscar's tonight no matter how badly you want me to stay."

She starts to laugh. "Oh stop it! my cooking isn't that bad."

"No, you are a great cook." I know this compliment is enough to get me off the hook. Her eyes lighten, her muscles loosen from their tense state.

"Okay I guess you can go." She hangs her hand over her chest as if she is protecting her heart.

I leave for the front door. "So dramatic." I chuckle to myself with a smile. No matter what I love that woman.

Dear Writer, - The Fooo Conspiracy (Felix Sandman)Where stories live. Discover now