7: Close Encounters

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By the time the sixth episode of Bolibompa plays I am getting sick of existing.

"Another one another one!" Joel shouts jumping on his toes.

"Well... one more but after we have to do something else." I scratch my eyes and regretfully play another episode.

My mother is having me watch one of her colleagues kids so they can go for lunch together. I have made plans to meet up with the guys too, but I guess that will have to wait.

"Bolibompa! boli bom-bom-pa Bolibompa! boli bom-bom-pa!" Joel shouts and runs around the room laughing.
Okay... he is cute.

At my turn, I stand up and follow him around the room. His smile wides as he runs faster around the couch.

"You're going to tickle me!" he laughs.

"Oohoho, you better run!" I tease with a deep voice, holding my fingers out chasing him.

Felicia then wakes up from our racket in the living room emerging from her bedroom.

"Haha! God morgon sleeping beauty." I tease, her hair looks like a rats nest and she knows it.

"How about instead of making fun of me you come here." She protests.

My smile fades slightly as I make my way towards her. She leans against the wall holding a box within her hands.

"Here, I picked this up for you last night."

I take the box from her fingers and release the latch to open it. Within the inside I reveal a gold necklace, clearly shaped for a woman's use not a male like myself.

"Gee, thanks." I say.

"It's more than you think! trust me I found the man of my dreams and always the hardest thing for a guy to do is get a present that a girl can actually like.

I smirk. "Why? What did Tucker get you?"

"He proposed, which was nice but he got me an assortment of soaps for the washroom."

"Well, at least you will be clean." I try to smile.

"Well anyway, when you have that girl, and she has to be the one!... Then you can present this to her."

I stand and thank her before placing it in my room upon my dresser.

"Well, I have to leave for work now so you are on your own. See ya!"

I walk back out and find Joel shoving some toast into the VCR player.

"Are you kidding me? You are going to break it!"

I run over and Joel falls to his bum laughing holding his toes to balance himself from falling backwards landing on his back.

"I'm going to get you!" I shout and pick him up over my head tickling him.

He belts out laughing uncontrollable until his face turns pink.

"Ok ok! put me down Felix!"

I dangle him by the feet and rest him on the floor with a smile wide on his face as we both take a moment to catch our breath.


I look at the necklace Felicia brought me, the gold chain linked together in a swirl formation while the dangling piece has two diamonds and a flower.

What is the chance I am going to find the one though?

My thoughts are interrupted by the buzzing on my phone and I remember Oscar wanted to meet up.

Dear Writer, - The Fooo Conspiracy (Felix Sandman)Where stories live. Discover now