[1] Arrival

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Dreams/Nightmares are in Italics



Everything was dark; my eyes were covered and my hand tied up. I feel the dirt on the ground as I walk bare feet among what seems to be a riot. I couldn't breathe, my knees started to feel weak and my eyes filled with tears. I was extremely terrified. All I hear are the voices of what seems to be a village full of enraged people.

I felt a pair of hands drag me and led me to what seems like a pulpit, then I heard that one voice crying out that sounded clearer than the rest "I'm so sorry, Ana...please, forgive me. This is all my fault."

I felt a rope being tied around my neck as my blindfold was removed. I looked around then realized what fate I was about to face; but before I welcomed the darkness, I look to the direction where I heard the voice and saw a pair of grey eyes looking back at me filled with sorrow and regret.

I felt tears flowing from my eyes as I heard the familiar voice of my sister.

"Ana! Ana, please wake up!"

I opened my eyes and felt relief when I saw my older sister, Valeria. She reached out and pulled me into a hug as I started to sob "It was the same nightmare again, Val. I heard that voice again, I saw his eyes and felt every emotion there was to it. But this time, death was certain. I died."

Without letting me go, Val told me what she would always say after my nightmares, "It was nothing but a scary dream, Ana. You're safe. I will never let anyone hurt you. I promised dad, remember? We're Ivanov's and we never go back on our word."

I nodded as she let go and made her way to the door; but before leaving, she turned around with a wink and said "We're almost at Hogwarts. Remember to dress to impress today, sestra."


Today would've been just a regular day back at Durmstrang. I would've been a 4th year having breakfast with my boyfriend Greg; but this year was different. This year would be when Durmstang, Beauxbatons and Hogwarts, come together for the Tri-Wizard Event.

I was still a little distracted with my nightmare while getting ready, but then my thoughts were disrupted when I felt the ship slow down. That could only mean that Val was right, we were definitely almost at our destination, and I had to pull myself together to live up to the standards of my family.

I looked out the window as I noticed a bit of light entering from the outside and saw the magnificent castle that was Hogwarts, but the moment was short-lived when I heard the signal for the students to gather.

I take a deep breath as I headed out my room to join the Headmaster and the other Durmstrang delegates.

Clarity (Draco Malfoy FanFic) #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now