♡Chapter 6♡

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    Two weeks had passed, and Kendra still hasn't tried to speak to Leona. It killed her, and quite frankly, it was killing Kendra too. But Kendra's pride was too strong to apologize. Kendra really missed her, but she was way too stubborn to admit she was wrong. All through the day, people kept asking them both what happened and they gave the same response, "I'm not talking about it." They were in too much pain to say anything.

   They both went through their days trying their hardest not to cry, even though we were both heartbroken. Leona and Kendra even tried forming new bonds with new people, but they just couldn't. It wasn't the same. No one could replace the bond they had together. It was just so soul crushing for them. Another classmate came up, "Hey, wha-"


"Goddamn, I can see wh-"

"Get the fuck out my face! No, I will not explain, and no I will not discuss this any further."

"This is why you DON'T have frie-"


"Okay, let me explain something to your bitter,  depressed,  attitude having ass. I'm not Kendra. You won't talk to me any type of way. Just because you lost your best friend doesn't mean you can pop off on me. I was tryna help yo ass, but you got me all the way fucked up!! You can't put me in check bitch, I'll beat the fuck out you. Watch yaself b."

"I don't need no fucking help,  and if I ignored everyone else,  what made you think I was gonna talk to you?? And bet you won't even-"

(Teacher) "Ladies,  office now!"

"Nah this lonely bitch Leona got me fucked all the way u-"


"But Le-"

"I said that's enough."

"Mane fuck this dumb ass school.  I'm out!!"

"I'm sorry Mr.  Carter..."

"What happened Leona?  This isn't like you at all!"

"Things just... I'm okay."

"Hmm.. you're not serious but,  you need to be left alone. Take your seat."

    With that being said, Leona took her seat,  and was counting down the minutes before school ended.  It had been her worst day ever.  She'd never been so close to a fight in her life. Leona had always been good at keeping her cool,  but with all of the recent problems that her and Kendra had,  she just couldn't take it anymore.

      The next day,  Leona walked up to the girl with whom she was about to fight, and apologized to her. "Hey, " she said.


"I am extremely sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I was extremely bitter because of the massive argument me and Kendra had.  It's been two whole weeks since then and we haven't spoken whatsoever.  It's like she doesn't even miss me..."

"If she's gonna be like that,  fuck her.  You don't need people that cause you that much pain.  It'll hurt letting her go at first, but it'll heal. I forgive you by the way. We all have days like that,  and I honestly had no business asking about it,  so I'm sorry too."

"It's okay, we good?"

"Yeah we're good."

   The last thing Leona needed was another enemy. It was already bad enough her only ally became her enemy. Leona was trying to stay good with everyone, at least until she had her solid friend back.


    After school ended, Leona started to make her way to Kendra's house. She just couldn't take it anymore. Leona missed her best friend too much to act like she didn't. Not only that, but she couldn't take the depression anymore.
     When she had gotten to Kendra's house, and knocked on the door, Kendra's mom came and opened the door. Nervous, Leona asked if Kendra was there. She was relieved when Kendra's mom said Kendra walked over to her place to apologize to her as well. Leona thanked Mrs. Anderson, and she made her way back home.

   When Leona got back home, and saw Kendra, they both ran to each other in tears and hugged each other. They both were miserable and caved in and apologized at the same time.

"Oh my god, Kendra, I missed you so much man! Don't ever put us through all that again!!"

"Back at you! I don't know how I even went 2 days without speaking to you! We can't let little shit get to us like that anymore. We gotta hold us up."

"We really do. I'm just glad we're friends-"

"BEST friends!"

"Well I'm glad to have my BEST FRIEND back then."

"It's good to be back Lee."

     They went inside and started watching movies and talking about what happened when they weren't speaking. Leona told her about how she had almost gotten into a fight, and how people kept asking about them, and how it felt having her main ally as an enemy. Kendra felt awful for letting things get that bad between them two. But that didn't really matter to them anymore, because they made up.

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