♡Chapter 14♡

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   Kendra is at my house and I'm honestly nervous. Is she here to make up? Or is she here to argue some more? When she saw that I was home, she spoke.

"Hello, Leona."


"I came to speak with you."


"We haven't spoke in a while."

"That's not my fault."

"You could have came up to me."

"YOU stopped talking to ME. You ALWAYS do that. You claim you won't let anyone treat me like shit, but the only one who keeps hurting me is YOU. It's not MY job to keep apologizing to you when YOU do ME wrong. I didn't do anything wrong to you. So if you're here to talk to me. Make sense because I don't have the time to keep playing games Kendra. I'm so serious."

"Excuse me?"

"Excuse me nothing. You KNOW it's the truth."

"You just stopped trying."

"With reason. You think that you can keep doing me dirty and just say "sorry" and you can come back like it's normal and do it all over again. If you're gonna say you're sorry and you feel bad, start acting like it."

"So I heard you and Chris are together now."

"You heard correctly."

"You have no right to date him. You don't even like him. You always want what I have. His brother blew up in your face and you think you can rebound off Chris? Well you're wrong. You are so fake-"

"So you came all the way to MY HOUSE to say that I don't have the right to date a guy, that I ACTUALLY LIKE, that you DIDN'T EVEN LIKE just so you could get over DaShawn, who you went back to like a retard. And now you're mad? I don't owe you anything Kendra. I don't owe you trust, sympathy, even loyalty because you clearly don't know what that is. You are NOT my friend and NOT welcome in my house. NOW GET OUT MY HOUSE BEFORE I THROW YOU OUT."

"Bitch you can't throw me out if you can't throw them hands."

"Yo try me."

   Kendra didn't say a word, and left. Probably because she knew I was right, and just didn't want to admit that she was wrong. Whatever it was, I was just glad she was out of my house and that I could just get some sleep.
    Even her little visit wouldn't ruin the amazing time I had with Chris, who is now my boyfriend. I don't understand why she was so jealous though. She was basically using Chris, and she had DaShawn.
     I think she meant to tell me they broke up again. I could be wrong but she just looked so sad. Like almost in tears. Not that I felt bad for her, because I warned her about him, but she was so afraid of saying she was wrong, so she just let it go. But I'm just gonna go to sleep and forget it, or at least temporarily.

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