♡Chapter 15♡

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(Leona's POV)

     Last night was absolutely horrible. How the hell could Kendra call herself my best friend, and then go behind my back and sabotage my relationship because she was feeling insecure? It's whatever. I'm just gonna stay to myself.. I'm not speaking to her, or Chris, or Jahad, or DaShawn, or anyone. I swear this is some bullshit. Nobody better try anything either because I feel it coming. I feel that I'm gonna snap.
    Man I don't even wanna go to school tomorrow. But my mom would never let me just stay home and skip school. I wouldn't let MYSELF stay home, since I always try to run from my problems. Maybe I deserve what's coming to me, for being such a good person. Never mind that, I'm just gonna leave and go to school.


   When I got to school, people kept staring at me. Part of me wanted to go off, but I knew better. That's what they want. They want to see me go off. Not today. I have better things to do. I kept walking and when I got to class, my teacher pulled me to the side. JUST WHAT I NEEDED, to know that I'm borderline failing, not only in life, but in my class too? What the hell is going on with my life? This just doesn't make any sense. How on earth did I manage to start failing this class, my best subject?
     I wanted to brush it off, but I couldn't so I asked what things I was missing. My teacher told me, if I got an A on my midterm, I'd get a B in the class. I knew it was crunch time, and I had no time to be fooling around with anybody who was playing games with me. How did everything start going so wrong though? I'll get through it though.
   While I was doing my work, this dude walked up to me and asked if I was okay because I looked stressed. As much as I wanted to tell him what was going on, I politely responded with "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking though. Much appreciated." And continued doing my work. But he didn't walk away that easily. He didn't want to leave me alone.

"Leona, I know you're lying. I see it in your face. Just let me help you."

"Everyone who said they were going to help me, are the reason I NEED help, but don't want any. Because I don't trust anyone that claims they have good intentions anymore. I just got fucked over by the ONE person I thought was for me. Apparently, she was the one SABOTAGING everything. So I lost all faith that ANYONE is really trying to help me anymore. So nice of you to say it. But I'm gonna politely ask you to go away now. Thank you."


"I just wanna be left alone." I said interrupting him.

    He seems like a sweet kid, I just don't have the time to waste. I don't have the time to get fucked over. Or, at least right now I don't. I gotta figure out how I'ma get an A on my midterm.  Better yet,  how to better my life.
     As I walked into the cafeteria for lunch, I sighed because I knew it was going to be a struggle finding an empty table. I just wanted to be left alone. Right when I thought it was hopeless, I  remembered I could always just go eat in the court yard. I tried to hurry up and get through the lunch line, but the same boy from earlier cut the line,  just to talk to me.  Slightly annoyed, I answered him.


"I apologize if I'm bothering you..."

"Nope. Not at all. What's up?"

"I just wanted to apologize for earlier."

"You didn't do anything. You  were just tryna help me. Can't get mad at you for that." I said with a slight chuckle. "If anyone should be apologizing,  it should be me. It was wrong for me to go off on you like that."

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