♡Chapter 10♡

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    Leona had an amazing time with Jahad at the arcade and buffet,  and she really liked him. She was actually considering making Jahad her boyfriend. When Leona got home, she went straight to bed,  yet couldn't stop thinking about him. Right before she fell asleep, she got a text from Kendra.

Kendra: How'd the date go???

Leona: Honestly pretty great. I totally crushed him in every game though.

Kendra: You didn't take it easy on him? Nooo. You were supposed to let him win!!

Leona: I show no mercy.  Besides he said it was great that I'm so competitive.

Kendra: Okay Lee! 👏👏

Leona:  Well I was almost asleep so,  I'll see you tomorrow❤

Kendra: Ttyl❤❤

    Leona woke up feeling excited.  She was almost rushing to leave for school.  She just really wanted to see Jahad. After she finished getting ready, she made her way to school searching for him and when she saw him, she ran up and bear hugged him.

"Well hey there." Jahad said with a smirk.

"Haha how's it going this morning?"

"Amazing now that you're here. But not as amazing as last night was."

"Right! I had so much fun."

"I mean that wasn't just a one time thing right? We are gonna be hanging out more right?"

"Definitely!  You're like really fun to be around."

"Yo have you seen Chris and Kendra?"

"Can't say I have,  why? Oh wait,  here they come now."

"Heey Kendra!  Hey Chris."

"Lele! And hey Jahad."

"Wassup bro & Kendra?"

"Wassup Jah?  Hey Leona. Yo Jah, how'd the date go?"

"Girl's real competitive. I was expecting her to take it easy on me and let me win to be cliche.. nah she's a beast and I actually like that."

"I think we gotta get to class now." Kendra said excitedly.

"Alright I'll walk you there,  let's go." Chris said with a smile.

"They're right Lee, let's head to class."

"Alright Jah." Leona said smiling.

     All four of them went to class,  and while Jahad and Leona were walking,  Jahad dropped a bomb.
"What are we?" Leona was shocked.  She wasn't expecting him to ask so soon.  Nervously,  Jahad asked again, and this time,  Leona knew she had to answer the question.

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean I want to make this official, but I'm uncertain right now."

"Why are you unsure?  Are you hung up on an ex?"

"Oh God no.  All my exes were straight up trash!"

"Okay,  so I respect it if you're not ready to be with me,  but don't string me along.  Don't keep saying "It will happen, I promise," if you don't mean it.  Because I've had so many girls use me and lie to me.  It's a miracle I even am trying for something now. I like you a lot.  A bit more than I should. I think you're different,  don't prove me wrong. Please, just don't."

"That's my dilemma as well.  And no, I'm not gonna play you.  That's not who I am. Ima be straight forward with you. I really like you too Jahad. Look we'll talk more about this after school.  After school, meet me at Colee Hammock Park."

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