♡Chapter 16♡

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(Leona's POV)

     How- No why? Why in the hell, would Kendra think, it's okay to give out my number? What's her problem? Doesn't she know he's CREEPY? She probably purposely did that JUST to piss me off, because she's salty that I wasn't trying to be her friend anymore. But instead of plotting for revenge, I let it go because I have bigger things to worry about. However, I still wish Chris would text me back already. I probably ruined everything. But I'm just gonna eat, watch Netflix and chill. There's no point in stressing. If it happens it happens. But I'm not gonna drive myself crazy waiting for his reply.


     I made myself some popcorn and started watching Shameless. I didn't think the show would be that great at first, but I actually came to find it hilarious. After about seven episodes, I decided to call it a day and go to sleep. I've just been so tired lately. But I  don't think it's from lack of sleep.
     Just as soon as I laid down, I got ANOTHER text message. It wasn't from Kendra, Chris, DaShawn, not even creepy Kevin. But this girl I used to have a crush on. I waited a few minutes to open the message, because I was thinking when the hell did I give her my number? Then I remembered I gave it to her last year. We used to be kind of close, but we fell off. I didn't think we'd ever talk again. So I got kind of excited and opened the message..

"Hey beautiful! It's been so long. I'm so sorry for the distance. But I miss you so much it's unreal. I've been thinking about how close we used to be... like for a long time.. I wondered why we never had anything, I knew you liked me... I don't know I was dumb😂 I hope this is still your number. So if it is tmb😭❤-Ciara."

    Oh my fuck. Are you kidding me?? I'm definitely texting her gorgeous ass back. I thought she deleted my number... I deleted hers. But I don't even know what to say to her. How do I respond to that sweet message? It took me a minute, but I texted her back.

Me: It's still me but...Omggggg it's really you?? I coulda swore you been deleted my number😭 I've missed you too. I thought you'd never hmu again. What happened lil baby lmaooo😂❤

Ciara: "Lil baby" huh? Girl don't play with me🙄 you still live at the same house?

Me: Hell yeah. Finna be here for life 💁

Ciara: Bet. I'm omw rn

Me: Aight bet🤔

Ciara: Bitchhh I'm deadass tho

Me: Whyyyy? It's 10:37

Ciara: oh so you don't wanna see me Now? Thought you missed me guess not😩

Me: bitxhh come over tomorrow or let's meet up somewhere and catch up because I most definitely want to see You. Seriously tho where you been. Fucking vanished off the face of the earth 😑😑

Ciara: I had to move, get a job. And I've had to deal with family issues because gmom died & about a month later, gdad did too...
Ciara: everything's been real fucked up
Ciara: I never meant for us to drift apart... I'm so sorry...

Me: Oh no baby girl no no don't apologize..
Me: I'm not mad. I was never mad I'm so sorry that happened to you. We're definitely hanging out tomorrow❤❤❤
Me: We all have our own issues, or struggles but I mean I know now & we can work it out. But baby girl text me tomorrow lol I'm exhausted❤

Ciara: Ughh okay 🙄 sleep good beautiful

Me:  You too 😊

    Ciara? Wow, can't wait to see how she fucks me over in the end. That was me joking. Truth be told, that actually made my night. Her and I were so close to dating last year. Did it hurt when she disappeared? Yes, it hurt like hell. But now that I know the reason why, I feel so much better.
I hope Ciara's still a good person. That's literally all I need is a good person right now. I can't even sleep because I'm so excited... But Ciara never told me if she was coming back to my school.. Looks like I'll just find out tomorrow.

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