♡Chapter 11♡

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          (Kendra's Point of View)
    Great. Just wonderful. I really am a shitty friend. I keep blaming everything on her. I'm gonna end up losing her for good if I don't fix myself. I care so much about her. Too much to let her stop being my best friend.

    Why did I let all this happen anyway? She didn't deserve any of this. Leona was already stressed enough with Jahad. I just came in and created more trouble. All Leona ever did was try to be the best friend she could be to me, and I drove her away with all my insecurity.

     Leona has ALWAYS been my rock. And I never thought once, that maybe she needed something to fall back on so she wouldn't break. It's pretty clear that I need to apologize. I hope she'll talk to me.

    Oh my god. I must have screwed up pretty bad. She won't even answer my texts! I can't imagine not having my best friend. I'm gonna call her. No answer. She can't avoid me forever. I'm going to her house.  She can't get rid of me that easily. I know I made a mistake, but I refuse to let her slip away like that.

"Leona, open the door. It's your best friend. And I'm not leaving until you talk to me."


"Come on."


"I know.  I said things I shouldn't have.  You were stressed out enough.  And I came and made it worse.  I'm sorry.  But I refuse to let you slip away.  Just because I was stupid and stubborn.  I love you too much."

"I love you too.  But you need to stop acting that way.  I ask for help when needed."

"Okay so what about you and Jahad? What's gonna happen with y'all two?"

"Honestly, I don't know.  All I can do right now is stay positive, and hope for the best.  I like him a lot."

"How are you so optimistic?"

"It ain't easy."

"I need your courage."

"It's a blessing and a curse."

"What do you mean by that?"

"My courageousness has gotten me in some pretty fucked up situations before.  It's not always the best thing ever."

"I bet. You're so bold."

"Do I really seem bold?"

"Extremely.  You're always taking risks.  I mean hell, you've always been the bold and outgoing one in this friendship.  If it wasn't for you we probably wouldn't have even became friends."


"Yeah, um I should get home. I didn't tell my mom I left. "

"Why not?"

"I just couldn't stop thinking about you."

"That's sweet,  but oh my god go home before you get in trouble."

"I'll be okay."

"I'm so nervous about tomorrow."

"I guess even fearless people get scared sometimes."

"Everyone does.  But wait.  You and Chris?"

"We're talking.  Hey I'll let you know more tomorrow. I gotta go hone.  But go back inside and get some rest babygirl.  I need you better."

"You're the best. Goodbye."

"I still love you Leona."

"I know you do. I'll see you tomorrow."

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