Part 1 : Jane

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Jane flipped through the records display, going past every board with letters on them. She finally reached the board she was searching for and pulled out an old brit pop record, looking up to see a stranger staring at her with a smirk before his eyes left her. She looked at him again before she pushed the record back in between the others, walking over to another section. A group of teens passed her and Jane huffed to herself, those kids didn't even know any of the music in this store. She wanted to slap herself as soon as she thought that, making her sound like an old lady. The man from before suddenly walked past her and made his hand brush past hers, making Jane tense up but she kept walking. She pulled out the record she was searching for and walked over to the record player in the corner of the shop, taking the record out of it's sheet and placing it on the turn table. She put on the headphone and lowered the needle onto the record, the familiar guitar riff filling her ears. She didn't have the money to actually buy the record so she'd come here every once in a while to listen to it, making her nostalgic of the time she was a teenager. A hand gently moved the headphones to her neck, making the music sound distant as the blond man sat down next to her on the bar stools, a large smile formed on his handsome face. "Oasis hm? Good taste of music you have" He spoke as he took the sleeve from the counter which he had his lower back resting against, his eyes scanning over the tracks. "You think so? Most people think they are complete shite" Jane replied with a laugh, making him laugh too. "How about I buy you this record instead of flowers, and you will agree to go on a walk with me" He suddenly said as he leaned closer to her, making Jane widen her eyes with a chuckle. She shook her head before laughing again, "Well fine, why the fuck not" She told him.
He held the door open for her as Jane swung her backpack around her shoulders, pulling her loose vest back up her shoulders. "I don't even know your name" She spoke when she looked up at him, quickening her steps to follow his pace. "Well do you think it'd necessary- should I slow down a little?" He stopped himself as he laughed at the short girl, who nodded at him. "I have little legs" She chuckled, making him place his hands in the pockets of his jacket, holding out his arm to Jane who hooked hers through his, grabbing onto his upper arm. "The name is Aaron by the way, and yours may be?" "Jane" She replied, both of them stopping in their tracks when the traffic lights flickered to the color red. "Well Jane, what is a young woman like you doing at a record store?" "I'm old enough to have grown up with records, Aaron" Jane replied as they started walking again, his smile from before still not having left his face. "How about if I invite you to my apartment, so we can listen to your record with a glass of wine?" "Or a cup of tea" "Or a cup of tea, whatever you want my lady" He laughed in response, making a small noise leave her. "Was that a yes?" He asked, making Jane raise her shoulders with a grin.

"If you can literally sing along with every word of this record, why haven't you bought it yet?" Aaron questioned, the two of them seated at the table with the record player in between them, soft music coming out of it. "Just didn't have the money- fuck it's already 9, I should go home." Jane spoke as he placed the glasses in the sink, Jane quickly writing her phone number down on a piece of paper before standing up. He walked over to her and came to a halt when the tips of their shoes touched, Jane feeling his warm breath on her face, making her cheeks turn red. "Well thank you for the lovely afternoon" "You're very welcome" Jane replied with a smile, her eyes widening slightly when he kissed her, closing them soon after. She let her hands rest on his chest before quickly lowering one of them to let the small piece of paper fall into the back pocket of his jeans. The phone ringing made him pull away and they stared at each other for a few seconds before Jane turned to walk away, "Let's see each other soon again" She spoke before closing the door behind her. Aaron quickly answered the phone and heard his ex-wife's voice on the other end of the line, their son and daughter arguing on the background, making him sigh to himself.

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