Part 17 : Jane

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"Where are you going?" Robin asked after Aaron finished bandaging her facial wounds, putting his leather jacket on. "Just need to take care of some business, I won't be long" He simply replied, walking outside to grab his bike instead of his car. Aaron closed his eyes for a moment as the cold air flowed through his hair, his eyes scanning the street signs before finally getting to the right address. He threw his bike in the small field of grass before walking up the steps leading up to a white door, Aaron slamming his fist against it before yelling for Jared to open the door. When no one reacted Aaron's eyes scanned down to the shabby looking lock, making him take two steps back before ramming his shoulder against the door, making it fly open. Jared quickly rose to his feet as he pulled his jeans back up to his hips, a girl on the couch pulling a blanket over her naked body. "What the fuck do you think you're doing boy?" Aaron questioned as he slammed his palms against Jared's chest, making him fall back against a nearby wall. "Who the fuck are you and what do you want from me?!" Jared asked, a scared expression formed on his face. "You know the answers to those questions damn well" Aaron replied, keeping his face only inches away from Jared's. "You're going to break all contact you still have left with my daughter- just give me your fucking phone right now" Aaron ordered, Jared quickly scrambling over to the kitchen table to grab his phone, but he was just a second too late to notice the knife in Jared's hand. The blade cut into his shoulder, making him groan in pain as Jared took a step back in shock when Aaron pulled it out, the blood covered knife clattering to the floor. Aaron drew his hand back before hitting Jared's jaw as hard as he could, making the guy fall to the floor as he cried out in pain. He looked at Aaron's shoe landing on his phone, the device cracking under his weight before he kneeled down next to Jared. "Was I clear enough to you now?" Aaron questioned as he grabbed Jared's shirt, lifting his torso up from the wooden floor. Jared quickly nodded his head which made Aaron hit him with a flat palm, "I didn't quite hear what you said there" "Y-yes" Jared choked out, making Aaron let go of his shirt before he left the apartment.

Jane quickly stood up from the table as the front door opened, Brendon had dialed her after his father had apparently left him alone with Robin after a fight. "God you're bleeding! What happened?" She asked as she walked over to him, pulling his jacket to the side which made a large red spot show on his grey shirt. Aaron's eyes moved to Robin's as Jane heard a soft sigh leave his mouth, Robin quickly pulling out her phone to dial her boyfriend as she left the living room. "Come sit down, I should disinfect it and see if you need stitches" Jane spoke as she helped him take his jacket off, letting it fall to the floor as he groaned in pain. "I'm not going to the fucking hospital Jane" Aaron warned as he pulled his shirt off, making her wipe away the blood that had seeped down his chest. "Well how lucky you are that I'm a med student so I can perform stitching myself" She told him with a sad smile as he looked into his eyes, before letting them trail down to his wound. "He stabbed you?" "Yes.. he caught me off guard" Aaron replied, grimacing when she dabbed some disinfectant on the cut. "Did you kill him?" Robin asked as she suddenly entered the room again, making Aaron laugh softly. "No honey, but I'm afraid his phone didn't survive" He replied, making Robin smile for a short moment. "It should be good like this, but we need to go to the hospital if it gets infected" Jane said after she finished taping the bandages down to his shoulder, "I'll make sure it won't then" Aaron spoke before standing up, stretching his sore muscles. "Thank you dad.." Robin softly spoke before moving closer to hug him, Aaron pulling her closer as he sighed softly. "I'm sorry for yelling at you honey" He softly said when she moved away from him again, Robin giving Jane one last look before she walked up the stairs to her room. "Shall we get to bed too?" Jane asked with a smirk as she trailed her hands over his chest, making Aaron laugh softly before his hands came up to her ribs. "Sounds very good to me"

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