Part 19 : Jane

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Jane groaned when she heard a few knocks on her door, moving the blankets off of her as she scratched her head. She walked over to the front door and opened it slightly, a smile forming on her face when she saw Aaron. "C-.. can I come in?" "Yes.. yes of course" She replied, her face falling when he walked past her. He walked over to the kitchen which made Jane follow him, seeing his chest rising and falling in a quick pace before he threw up in her sink, making Jane move over to him as she grabbed onto his ribs. He broke down into sobs as he fell to his knees, making her move down with him as she closed her eyes, pulling him against her. "Please don't tell me what I'm scared to hear.." She softly said, making Aaron sobs turn louder as he wrapped his arms around her tighter. "Oh god no.." Jane softly cried, running her fingers through his hair as he was gasping for air between his sobs. "I-I... I didn't even-.. get to say g-goodbye to him.." Aaron sobbed against her shoulder, making her hold him as tight as she could. "I-I should go home, Robin's home alone" He continued, grabbing onto the counter to stand up but Jane quickly did the same. "Not yet, and I'm driving you home" She spoke as she wiped the tears off of her cheeks, taking Aaron's face in her hands. He broke down again and she wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his holding her so tight that he almost squeezed the air out of her lungs. "I can only imagine him laying there on that cold table all alone, while Robin and I were-... were just right outside the door" He sobbed, making Jane close her eyes again, trying to calm herself down. "I still need you to be strong Aaron.. not for me, but for your daughter, she needs you more than anything in this time." "I know.. I already was selfish when her mother died, I won't let it happen again" Aaron said as he moved upright, Jane gently wiping his tears away before they walked over to his car.

Jane followed Aaron into his apartment and Robin quickly ran over to her father when he entered the room, hugging him as tight as she could. "T-they already called for the funeral dad-... I-I had to hang up" She cried against his chest, making Jane sit down on the kitchen table when she felt herself get dizzy. Jane stood up to hug Robin, Aaron leaning against a nearby wall. "I'm going out for a smoke, I'll be right back" Robin breathed, making Aaron nod as he looked at her exiting the apartment.

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