Part 2 : Robin

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Robin let out a frustrated groan as her little brother looked at her with a sly smirk planted on his face, immediately turning innocent when their aunt turned around, giving them an angry stare before turning back to her phone conversation. "Aaron, please come pick them up-" Robin took a sprint towards her aunt, grabbing the phone out of her hand, "Dad, Brendon is being a little shit. Please leave him here." She spoke, hearing her dad let out a sigh on the other line. "Robin, for god's sake, give that back to me." Her aunt spoke, grabbing the phone back from her and motioning for Robin to go away with a little wave of her hand. Robin rolled her eyes but did as told, letting herself fall onto the couch with a sigh, giving her little brother a warning glare as he wanted to get closer to her, making him stop in his tracks only to hold his hands up in defense. Robin turned around as she heard her aunt put down the phone, "And?" She asked, looking up at her with hopeful eyes. Her aunt gave her a little nod, "I can go bring you two in a minute. Go get your things whilst I get my coat." She spoke, making Brendon sprint upstairs towards his room. "Can't Brendon stay here?" He's still going to annoy me at dad's." Robin spoke, standing up from the couch and taking a few steps towards her aunt. Her aunt let out a chuckle, "Sorry sweety, this is just how it works. Now go get your things, alright?" Robin gave her aunt a small smile, silently nodding before heading upstairs.

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