Part 7 : Jane

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Jane scratched away a few lines of the text she was writing, her head jerking up when she heard two heavy knocks on the door. She laid her pen down and pushed her chair back to stand up, walking through the hallway until she reached her front door. She placed her hand on the door knob and twisted it open, looking up at Aaron who was completely soaked by the rain. "Jesus what happened? Come in" Jane said, grabbing onto his arm to pull him inside before closing the door behind him. "I-I-.. It's Brendon-.. he-" He tried to say before breaking down, slamming his fist against the wall before falling to his knees. "Shh.. it's okay" Jane whispered as she kneeled down in front of him, Aaron letting his head rest on her shoulder as he held her as tight as he could. "I can't- I tried to-.. fuck!" He cried, making Jane grip his shoulder tightly, "Try to calm down first and tell me what happened later.. come, get up" Jane spoke, grabbing his hand and walking over to the couch. "Do you want something to drink?" "Yeah.. a coffee please" "You've stayed up al night, haven't you?" Jane questioned from the kitchen, making him answer with a nod when she looked at him. She handed him his coffee and sat down next to him, gently grabbing onto his head before pressing a kiss on his cheek. "My-.. my son just got diagnosed with Leukemia" "Jesus fucking christ" Jane gushed, moving her hands up in her hair as she looked up at the side of his face. "I'm so sorry... god.." She softly spoke, "I should go back to the hospital, he's still in intensive care and I shouldn't even have bothered you with this, you don't even know me-" "No, stop, you're gonna take a shower first cause you're gonna get sick otherwise" Jane spoke, making him sigh before following her to the bathroom. She walked back to the couch afterwards, letting herself fall on it before letting her head rest in her hands. She grabbed his wet clothes from in front of the bathroom door and hung them over her heater, hearing the shower turn off soon after. Jane quickly bit down on her lip when he entered her line of sight again, "You should sleep for a while, you look like a wreck" She spoke, forcing herself to keep her eyes on his. "I can't, the hospital can call at any moment" "It's okay, I'll keep it with me and wake you if something happens." "Thank you for this Jane, it really means a lot to me.." Aaron spoke, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead before getting into her bed.

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