Part 6 : Robin

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Robin reached her hand out to press the doorbell, hearing a harsh ringing sound on the other side of the door as she slightly shivered due to the cold, regretting not taking a warmer jacket with her. The door opened after a few seconds, revealing a brown haired man, "Didn't I tell you to knock? I still need to fix the doorbell, the sound is too noisy." He spoke, opening the door slightly more to let Robin in. "Sorry, I forgot." She spoke, walking past him into the living room, taking her jacket off and hanging it on the coat rack. "It's fine. So how has your day been?" He said as he made his way towards Robin, giving her a light peck on her lips before taking her into a hug, making Robin relax slightly. "It's been alright, I guess. I finally got to go to my dad's, but Brendon's still being a little shit." Robin spoke with a light chuckle, pulling back from the hug and moving over to the couch, pulling Jared along with her. A grin appeared on Jared's face as he sat next to Robin, "Well, no need to worry about him now." He spoke as he pulled Robin slightly closer to him, making her rest her head against his shoulder. They sat there for a while, quietly watching some tv as Jared ran his hand through Robin's hair, making Robin tense up slightly whenever his touch would get a tad rougher. "Could you get something to drink please?" Jared spoke, looking over at Robin who had moved from his shoulder to his chest, now looking up at him as well. "Of course, a beer I assume?" She spoke as she slowly moved Jared's arm away so that she could stand up, walking over to the kitchen. She heard Jared give a soft hum behind her in approval, making her open the fridge to grab a beer out of it, moving over to the counter to get a bottle opener out of one of the drawers. The bottle started to dampen slightly from it being taken out of the fridge, making it slip out of Robin's hand when she tried to open it, smashing the bottle into the counter, the sound of glass shattering going through Robin's ears. Robin stood still in shock, holding the bottle opener in one hand, her other hand up in the air, not daring to move. "Robin?" Jared voice sounded, now more stern than before, making Robin bite down on her lip, slowly closing her eyes in anticipation. She heard Jared stand up, footsteps coming her way, "Look at me." He spoke, grabbing Robin's jaw, turning her face towards his. Robin shut her eyes even tighter, feeling the tight grip of Jared's hand starting to hurt her jaw now. "Look at me!" Jared now yelled, digging his nails into Robin's cheek, making her open her eyes, tears welling up. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.." She whimpered, looking up at Jared through her teary eyes, seeing his face filled with rage. "Of course you didn't. You can't even open a fucking bottle, are you that useless?" He spat, his other hand coming up to Robin's hair, moving it down towards the nape of her neck and pulling harshly, forcing Robin's head to fall back. Robin cried out in pain, clenching her jaw tightly as she tried to endure the pain, tears now falling down her face. "I thought we could have a nice day but of course you had to fuck it up again. Shall we end the day then?" Jared removed his hand from Robin's jaw but tightened the grip he had on her hair, pulling her along to the door with him. Robin stumbled along with difficulty as the pain still was too much, coming to a halt as Jared threw the door open, pushing her out with a hard shove and slamming the door behind her. Robin's hand came up to her cheek as she felt the marks from his fingernails, trying to sooth them slightly as she completely broke down, loud sobs passing through her lips. She made her way down the street, walking into an empty alleyway as she took out her phone, dialing her father's number. Robin tried to quiet her sobs as she waited for her father to pick up, breathing in deeply as she heard a click, "Hey dad.. Could you pick me up? He.. kicked me out." She spoke through deep breaths, inhaling the cold air. "-I'll be right there." A relieved sigh escaped Robin's lips as she hung up, putting her phone back into her pocket, her body starting to shiver now as her coat was still inside Jared's apartment.

"God, sweety, are you alright?" Aaron spoke as he came rushing towards her, taking her into a hug. Robin just broke down in tears again, letting her head rest against his chest, Aaron soothing her by rubbing her back. "Go wait in the car, okay? I'll be right back." He spoke, leading Robin towards the car, seating her down in the passenger's seat, closing the car door behind her. Robin watched Aaron walk over to Jared's door, noticing that her coat and bag were lying on the doorstep, Aaron picking them up before slamming his hand on Jared's door continuously. He gave up after a while, knowing that Jared wouldn't open up, and walked back towards the car, getting in and handing Robin her coat and bag, "Let's go home, okay?"

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