Part 20 : Robin

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Robin knocked hesitantly on the familiar white door, scared of Jared's reaction but wanting his comfort so badly she convinced herself to visit him. The door opened slightly, showing Jared's face poking through, "I thought I told you to never come here again?" He spoke quite calmly, just seeming to be surprised but not particularly angry. Robin sighed and looked down at the ground, "I know.. I just really need you right now." She spoke, looking up at him through teary eyes. Jared noticed her fallen face and opened the door further, motioning for her to walk in. "What happened, baby?" He asked, taking Robin into a hug which she gladly accepted, holding him tight, for a second forgetting what he was like. "Brendon.. h-he passed away.." Robin murmured against his chest, tears turning into loud sobs as she was reminded of her little brother once again. "God, Robin, I am so sorry." Jared spoke, hugging her tighter to him as he rubbed his hand on her back in a soothing manner. Once Robin's sobs had weakened, Jared led her to the couch and sat her down, sitting next to her and letting Robin's head lean on his chest. Jared seemed to want to say something, opening and closing his mouth a few times, "What is it?" Robin asked, looking up at Jared. Jared let out a deep sigh, "Although I know today was rough for you, I just want you to know that after this I really think we shouldn't see each other anymore." He spoke, making Robin clench her jaw, swallowing deeply. "You fucking asshole. My little brother just passed away and you can't even comfort me for 5 fucking minutes!" She spat, sitting up straight and backing away from him. "Look, I'm very sorry but I just wanted to make it clear to you. You're the one that came running back to me after I told you I didn't want to see you again, anyways." Jared's voice started to tense up, his anger riling up from inside, sitting up straight as well. Robin shook her head in unbelief, standing up and walking towards the kitchen to splash some water in her face to calm herself down. "Because I had no one else to go to, Jared. I just wanted to be comforted after getting the news my brother died. It shouldn't be so hard to understand." She spoke whilst drying her face with a towel, gasping as she saw Jared walking towards her, "Well then you just should've fucking stayed home with your dad, I'm sure he was comfort enough. The thing is, I've kinda had enough of you for a while now." He spoke, gripping Robin's arms tightly, digging in his nails. Robin felt tears well up again, "Just because you have fucking anger issues, doesn't mean everything is my fault!" She yelled, trying to get out of Jared's grip but failing, his grip only getting stronger, leaving marks for sure. Jared edged his face closer to hers, "Every time I've been angry at you, is because you were being a fucking cunt. You got that? You deserved every single punch I've ever given you." His voice was low and threatening whilst he looked Robin in the eye, not daring to break eye contact so he would get the point across. Robin felt a sharp pain across her cheek as Jared threw another punch at her, his other hand coming up to her throat to hold her still, tightening his hand. Robin shut her eyes tightly as she bared the other punches that came to her, her hands trying to push him off of her. She finally succeeded after giving him one hard push, Jared stumbling back a few steps, giving Robin enough time to find something to defend herself with. "Don't you fucking come closer, Jared." Robin heard her own voice shake as she grabbed a kitchen knife, holding it in front of her, her entire body trembling. Jared scoffed, "As if you would." He spoke as he took a step closer, wanting to grab Robin's arm again but Robin drove the knife right through his chest, making Jared take a deep breath in, his body coming to a halt. Jared soon fell to his knees, his breath stuck as his body collapsed, falling on the ground completely. "Jared.. Jared.. No fuck!" Robin stammered, still in unbelief. She let herself fall on her knees next to him, "Please.. no.." Robin spoke, but she knew it was too late, Jared's breathing had stopped completely. She tried to stand up, her vision becoming blurry before the nausea became too much and she felt herself throw up, running towards the sink. She looked back down towards Jared, seeing his lifeless body on the ground, the knife still stuck in his chest. Robin turned back towards the counter, opening one of the drawers and getting out a sharp knife, turning it towards her chest before taking in a deep breath. Loud sobs escaped past her lips as her entire body trembled, the knife shaking against her chest. She was about to push the knife further in when an alarming voice interrupted her, "Robin!"

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