Part 15 : Jane

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Jane looked up when the door to Brendon's room opened, moving her finger up to her lips since Brendon had already fallen asleep. She stood up and walked over to Aaron standing in the doorway, placing her hand on his arm as she looked up at him. "She left" He softly said as he closed Brendon's room door behind them, leaning his shoulder against it with a sigh. "I can just go home if you want sometime for yourself, I don't wa-" She tried to say but Aaron interrupted her by pressing his lips against hers, his grip on her arm tightening. She breathed out deeply through her nose before wrapping her arms around his neck, his hands moving down to her thighs to lift her up, Jane linking her ankles behind his back. She heard him open a door and kicked it close behind them, carefully lowering Jane down on bed as his hands dug in the mattress besides her head. She moved her hand up to the side of his face when he looked down at her, Aaron closing his eyes at her touch before sighing to himself. "I love you, Jane.." "I know, I love you too" She answered with a smile, making him laugh softly before kissing her again, Jane's fingers gripping the hem of his shirt before pulling it off.

"I should take my lenses out before I fall asleep" Jane chuckled as she pressed her hand against her chest before sitting up, leaning down from the bed to grab Aaron's shirt from the floor. "Oh how romantic" He laughed as she searched her bag for the lens case, giving him a stupid grin before walking into the bathroom attached to his bedroom. "Oh look at you, found the light switch in one try" "Oh shut up" She answered from the bathroom, Aaron letting his hand reach in his nightstand to search for his lighter. "Are you seriously gonna smoke at this hour?" She asked after closing the bathroom door behind her, flipping the light switch off as she crawled back against him again. She looked at the smoke escaping from his lips before pressing a kiss on his jaw, his arm wrapping around her to pull her even closer to him, moving up slightly to press his cigaret out before laying back down. He pressed a kiss on her hair before closing his eyes, both of them falling asleep not much later.

"I'll call you soon again, okay?" "Mhm, see you soon" Jane answered, moving up on her tiptoes to kiss him before she walked out the front door. "Is Jane gonna come over more often dad? I like her" Brendon asked, "Mh, she will" Aaron replied as he sat down on the couch next to Brendon, who laid down against his father. Aaron ran his fingers through Brendon's dark brown hair before a few frantic knocks were heard on the door, making him walk over to it. "Why the fuck didn't you answer my calls last night?! Jared beat me to shit and you let him because you didn't watch your fucking phone!!!" Robin yelled as soon as the door opened, wanting to storm past Aaron but he grabbed her arm to stop her. "Are you okay? Come sit down, I need to bandage your wounds-" "DON'T FUCKING ACT LIKE YOU SUDDENLY CARE!" Robin suddenly screamed, slamming her fists against Aaron's chest before running upstairs. "Fuck!" Aaron swore to himself before following her upstairs, opening the door to her room to find her crying in bed. "Robin, I'm sorry.." He softly said as he sat down next to her, placing his hand on her arm but she slapped it away. "You care more about her than me, you should learn to put your family first, maybe mom would still be here" She sobbed, making him clench his jaw. "Watch it Robin, I won't get mad at you now so I'll leave you be to let you think about what you just said, but you're coming downstairs in 30 minutes. I'm gonna clean your wounds first and then you can explain yourself, and perhaps apologize for what you just said" Aaron spoke as he stood up to walk over to the door, "Dad-" Robin cried but he closed the door behind him before walking downstairs.

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