Part 16 : Robin

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Robin knocked on the familiar white door as she wiped away a few tears from her cheek, slightly wetting her sleeve. The door opened, revealing Jared blowing out some smoke, "Oh hey sweety, are you okay?" He asked, Robin's puffy eyes still clearly visible. Robin softly shook her head, looking down at the ground, "C'mon in, baby." Jared put out his cigarette against the door post, throwing it outside before motioning for Robin to step further, putting a hand on her back to lead her inside. Robin stepped inside, taking a quick look around the apartment, seeing a few beer bottles scattered across the floor but nothing out of the ordinary. "So what happened?" Jared's voice snapped her out of thought, making her turn her head towards him, "Oh, my dad and I just had an argument again. He's been having this chick over lately and I feel like he's dating her." She spoke, wanting to take her leather jacket off but deciding against it, not wanting to be cold in case Jared would throw her out again. She'd been over at Jared's for some while again now and things were going quite well ever since the day Aaron had to come pick her up. Jared had been less violent, occasionally having his days but it was nothing that Robin wasn't used to. Nonetheless, she was still wary whenever she was around him. "Hmm," Jared hummed, looking up from his phone, clearly not that interested, before putting it away and taking a few steps towards Robin. A light smirk appeared on his face, making Robin slightly uneasy, "Well, nothing a little distraction can't fix." Jared's hands moved to Robin's hips, pulling her body closer against his before attaching his lips to her neck, pressing open mouthed kissed against her skin. Robin breathed in deeply through her nose, swallowing a lump in her throat before ever so slightly pushing Jared away, "I'm really sorry, but I really don't feel like it now. I just want to watch some tv together for a bit.." She spoke, uneasiness heard in her voice as she didn't know how Jared would react. Jared moved his face away from her neck to look at her, raising one brow questioningly, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know everything was about you." He spoke, his voice tensing up as he tightened his grip on Robin's hips, slowly digging in his nails. Robin clenched her eyes shut, "No no, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry, just go ahead." She rambled, hoping that Jared would let it go. Jared slid one of his hands along Robin's side, moving up to grab her jaw, forcing her to look at him, "I've been waiting for you all fucking day and now you're not in the mood because you have daddy issues? I don't give a fuck, alright. You're gonna please me whenever I fucking want to." Jared spat, moving Robin's face closer to his to pull her in for a sloppy kiss, Robin going along with it. Jared pushed her onto the couch, Robin wincing as her head came in contact with the leaning, feeling the weight of a body on her as a hand made its way towards her throat, slowly tightening, blocking her airways. Robin breathed in deeply through her nose, trying to get as much air in as possible, "Fucking hell, can't you ever not be a whiny bitch?!" Jared yelled, the thought of sex drifting away as anger and frustration filled his body. Robin clenched her eyes shut, waiting for the first hit as she felt tears well up. An aching pain hit her cheek as Jared smacked her, the contact of skin against skin echoing through the room. Robin moved her arms in front of her face as Jared continued to throw punches, eventually throwing her off the couch, Robin landing on the ground, feeling her body ache. She struggled to get up on her elbows, moving one hand to her pocket, getting her phone out and speed dialing her father with difficulty as her entire body trembled. "Gonna ask daddy for help?" Jared's voice sounded behind her as he grasped the phone out of her hand, chucking it on the floor before grabbing Robin's arm tightly, lifting her up to let her stand on her feet. Robin whimpered, only being able to lean on her knees, the pain being too much. "Get up, you fucking bitch." Jared commanded, his other hand now coming up to her hair, fingers tugging at the nape of her neck, making Robin yell out in pain, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I don't ever want to see you here fucking again, got it?!" Jared yelled, throwing Robin against the door before picking up her phone. Loud sobs escaped past Robin's lips as she leaned against the door, every last bit of energy having left her body as she was unable to move. Jared grabbed Robin's arm, dragging her up before opening the door, throwing her out the door together with her phone and slamming the door behind her. Robin cried out, slowly moving away from the doorstep, crawling on hands and knees until she had reached an alleyway where she could dial her father.

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