Chapter 17

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I wake up on a familiar bed of soft petals.

I quickly jump to my feet, hands shaking in fear and disbelief.

"No..." I whisper, "No no no no NO!"

I race from the bed of flowers, tears streaming down my face. I halt in front of a small patch of green grass.

I hold my breath as a familiar face pops up from the ground.

"Howdy!" he says, "I'm Flowey!"

I back away, hands out in front of me.

"You're new here, aren't you?" Flowey says, smiling at me, "I'll teach you how it works down here. Catch these friendliness pellets, they help to increase your LOVE."

He throws tiny white bullets at me, which I dodge, not wanting to get hurt more than I already am.

"Hey, you missed 'em," Flowey says, eyes narrowed, "Try again."

I step around the bullets, teeth gritted to stop from crying openly.

"RUN. INTO. THE. BULLETS!" Flowey shrieks.

I duck under them this time, and he says, "You know what's going on, don't you?"

Raising my head, I stare into his eyes. They're unrelenting and soulless.


I close my eyes, hoping that Toriel will come to my rescue again.

I hear a faint squeal and open my eyes to see Toriel standing in front of me.

My eyes light up, and I smile brightly.

A familiar face is the only thing I need.

I want to wrap my arms around her, but she doesn't even know who I am.

"My child..." Toriel says, "Are you alright? Such a terrible creature, torturing a poor, innocent youth..."

"I- I'm okay..." I say, voice shaking.

She takes my hand, and I stagger after her, following her through the purple walls of the Ruins.

We reach the training dummy, and I vaguely hear Toriel explain the puzzles of the Ruins.

"Practice talking to this dummy, if you get into any problems, just stall for time, and I will come to your rescue," Toriel tells me, gesturing towards the dummy.

I enter a battle with the dummy, reaching for the 'act' button, but something catches my eye.

Chara stands over by the 'fight' button, hand raised.

"Chara, don't," I say, holding out my hands, "I won't-"

She presses the button.

I scream out in alarm, and my arm slashes down, unwillingly. I try my hardest to ignore the searing pain and keep my arm from attacking, but the pain grows stronger and I can't hold it back anymore.

There is a blood red flash, and the dummy crumples into dust.

"Oh!" Toriel exclaims, "The dummy is not for attacking!"

I stare at the broken stick in my hand, blinking away tears in my eyes.

Looking around, Chara's gone, but Toriel's waiting for me to follow her through the Ruins again.

I cautiously walk after Toriel, chucking the stick down onto the ground.

As I run to catch up with Toriel, a Froggit jumps out in front of me.

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