Chapter Two

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Louis was disgruntled, banging on the thin walls next to him to shut Zayn and his girlfriend up. Louis was already scarred from the noises they were making, not to mention what they were saying, well, screaming.

He had his earphones in yet he can still hear them as clear as a summer's day. He quickly typed up a aggravated post, sending it to the world of Tumblr to see as he zoomed through his feed, reblogging and liking posts that make him snicker. The dissonance seemed to get louder and louder and Louis just had enough.

He shut his laptop, shoved some TOMS and grasped his phone and wallet in one hand as he left the house with one pissed off slam of the door.


He ended up at the banks of Swan River just a couple of roads across from the University. He had work tomorrow morning and despite being 11 at night, Louis didn't want to go to bed. Like he could any ways.

The water splashed onto the shore and the water reflected the night sky, making a blurry picture for Louis to get lost in. Many boats were out tonight, most of them probably for business parties. 

Louis played with the sand on the banks, creating messy patterns in the wet grains and made a small sand pile on his left. He was absolutely absent minded right now. He neglected the fact he was so open right now. Vulnerable. He could be shot, raped, taken away. All seemed a little too over thought. Then again, anything could happen. 

It wasn't as if Louis thought he was born unlucky. Louis was just unlucky. He may have millions of subscribers on Youtube who urge him to make videos for their pleasure and he may have a settled life in one of the luckiest countries in the world, but Louis was hapless. He was clumsy, miserable and his past was awful. This rollercoaster journey was climbing to the high, soon to loop and drop him down in the depths of despair.

Louis knew it was going to happen. So why try and be happy?

No one is born unlucky, nor can anyone develop a curse but Louis was sure God stamped an exception straight onto Louis' forehead before he was born. He once wore charms he bought in London and he was sure that only made the dark creep onto him further. Since arriving onto golden soil, he hasn't thought about his woeful past too much. It's when things started to turn around slightly.

He wasn't sure if the help of Niall and Zayn was the reason why he was somewhat considered a lucky person today. He was definitely grateful for their guidance and Louis was sure without their benefit, he'd be on the streets trying to create Youtube videos with a box.

Obviously impossible.

He thought to himself the first few days he met Zayn through Niall. Louis only knew Niall through old family friends in London. They could be seen as the best of friends ever since play group. Niall moved to Australia after secondary, Louis staying behind for money and also to repeat his A-Levels. 

He moved for a better living. Except, it seemed like Louis was the only one with a healthier lifestyle. Niall works, but only when he wanted to. So he hardly worked and Louis was usually the one to help him with rent. He was a busker, also with his bouncing to and from job as a cleaner of the parks in Perth. 

If you said Niall was a rebellious person, you'd be correct. He was never the type to smoke, drink or anything illegal related when he was younger. Louis had seen change in him but frankly didn't mind it because Niall was having fun and it was Niall's life. It may be wasting away their money like sandunes in the wind but Louis was just used to it.

Well, everything except the girls coming to and from the house.

He really didn't like the girls. And not just because he was gay. They were snobby ass, rich girls who say they're looking for a proper relationship, but only use Niall and Zayn because they're attractive. Yes, Louis can say openly that he found both Niall and Zayn attractive. Yes, Louis dreams about them. And yes, Louis has had sexual fantasies about them both. It wasn't his fault. He hasn't gotten laid in a few months since Niall made him hook up with a girl and that led to the bedroom.

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