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When we reached the ministers box, the view was amazing. I could see the entire stadium from up here! There were millions of witches and wizards in the arena, all chanting the name of the team that they were rooting for. As I looked around, I realized just how many witches and wizards there really were in the world. 

"Can I ask a random question?" Jason asked as he looked around the stadium.

"Shoot." I said

"Why do you want to go to a school in London when you can just go to a school in America? When I was walking around, I saw some American schools like the Salem Institute and Ilvormorny. Why don't you just go there?" he asked, looking at me with concern. 

"Jason, if I'm being honest, I don't even have to go to any school. I am already a fully certified witch. The whole purpose of me going to Hogwarts is so that I can spend some time with Draco." I said, drifting off as I said the last part. When I left Draco at Malfoy Manor, things were awkward. Did I really want to go to Hogwarts? Oh well. I need to push the negative thoughts away. Hogwarts isn't just a way for me to spend time with Draco. Its also a chance for me to have a life outside of Camp Half-Blood. All my life I have been surrounded by the gods and all things crazy. By going to Hogwarts, Ill still be surrounded by crazy, but it will be a different type of crazy. 

"Hey look. It's the Weasley's" I said, spotting the family of red heads coming towards us. I waved them over to sit by us. 

"Hello again" I said to all of them.

"Hello. Glad we could see you again." said Mr. Weasley to Jason and I. The two of us smiled.

"Alison!" said two very familiar voices. The twins came over to me and they each gave me a bear hug. I miss Franks bear hugs. He transforms into an actual bear and hugs you. I gave each of them a hug back. Even though we only knew each other for about 10 minutes, we have actually grown pretty close. 

"Hey guys." I said, giving each of them a hug as well. They were both about a foot taller then me so I felt like a dam ant. When I turned around, I saw Jason and two other red heads arguing about dragons. Well at least he is getting along with someone, I thought but I was snapped out of my thoughts by yet another red head. Honestly! How many of them are there?!?!?!? Anyway, this red head was wearing a suit and glasses.

"Hello. I don't believe we have met. I am Percy Weasley and I advise you to stay away from the twins." he said. I looked at him in sort of shock. His name was Percy, just like my sort of cousin sort of brother sort of protective father Percy back at camp but that is where the similarities end.

"I'm Alison Malfoy." I said shaking his hand, disregarding the comment about the twins.

"As I was saying, the twins are trouble makers. You should stay away from them because blah blah blah...." Percy said. Alright. He didn't say blah blah blah but he was babbling on about things that I didn't care about so I tuned out of what he was saying and looked around the stadium. I caught the eye of a couple of quidditch players who were warming up. They winked at me.  As I was internally vomiting, the other Malfoy's entered the box. Lucious gave me a glare, Narcissa gave me a kind smile and Draco looked like he was betrayed but replaced the look with a small smile.  I looked down and sighed.

"Excuse me" I told other Percy as I left the box to get some air. The stadium was packed and noisy but it didn't bother me much. I was looking at the players as they were warming up and couldn't help but be impressed. They were riding around the stadium at incredible speeds and it looked really cool. I sighed a bit.

I was thinking about Hogwarts and whether or not it really was a good idea to go. I still wanted to spend time with Draco but I just have this weird feeling. It's as if all of my senses are telling me not to go to Hogwarts. Looking back at the quidditch players, I couldn't help but smile. I'll most likely join the quidditch team for my house if I go. Suddenly, all the players left the stadium.

"Probably about to start," I muttered to myself as I made my way back to the box. Just as I had suspected, a few moments later, the Irish team formally came in.

So for those of you re-reading this chapter, you can see that I changed the way it ends. Did you like it? Comment your thoughts. Bye!

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