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Ahem! Today...I'll tell you the story of the lost book of prophecies. This prophetic book was a mysterious tome of stories of future events. Of course, many people craved this book, wishing to glimpse their futures. But no person, after obtaining this amazing book, ever found happiness. The reason? The book held frightful secrets not meant for people's eyes. That book came to be called the Dark Prognosticus and was sealed away. the tale of that forgotten book's last owner. It is a tale of love...


"The Darkness is back," Jorgen Von Strangle, the commander fairy of Fairy World, realized, upon seeing that the Big Dipper Brigade had vanished from the sky.

Jorgen knew and feared that this day would come. His ancestors had a good right to be afraid. And now, he did too. He turned his head, looking at the bed that he shared with his fiancé. She was sitting up in their bed, brown eyes meeting blue. Her blue nightgown hugged her hips beautifully as her short brown hair sat on her shoulders majestically.

Jorgen was instantly short of breath, upon seeing her incredible features and a bit of cleavage. Even her yellow skin color was breathtaking.

"Jorgen?" She asked, her accent strongly British. "Does this mean we have to summon the Chosen One?"

"I'm afraid so, Nacey," Jorgen answered, now sitting on their bed and next to his gorgeous fiancé.

Nacey Rose Cortex sighed sadly as she looked at him and stated, "I did sense this coming."

"We both did, my love," Jorgen pointed out, kissing her cheek tenderly. The brown haired English beauty blushed, feeling his strong arms around her. "I will let you get dressed and we will go to give word to Turbo Thunder."

Nacey nodded in agreement as she replied, "Sounds good to me."

Jorgen smiled as he kissed her head, taking his wand and leaving her to her privacy. Nacey blushed more, feeling lucky to have Jorgen as her fiancé. Before, she knew that the snow haired fairy would immediately go to her friend, Timothy "Timmy" Tiberius Turner and think he was the Chosen One.

She giggled at that as she magically got her yellow blouse and her blue jeans on. Timmy was a brave boy, there was no doubt. But could he really handle being a Chosen One? She got out her black flats, putting them on her feet. 'I hope I never have to find out,' she thought as she headed out of the room to join her fiancé.


Meanwhile in the Koopa Kingdom, Bowser (the Koopa King) was plotting the next attack on Mushroom Kingdom so that he could capture Princess Peach yet again. It was a typical day for them and - as per usual - Bowser was cackling evilly. All of his minions were there: Koopas, Turtles, Kammy, and more.

Bowser stated, "Listen well my elite minion task force! It's time to initiate my awesome plan to invade Mushroom Castle! Today is the day where I make my beloved Princess Peach ALL MINE! And if that weren't awesome enough, I'll ALSO stomp her little mustache and ice wielding buddies!"

The crowd cheered, "YEAH! It's OUR turn! WHOA! Bowser, Bowser, WHOO! Your Rudeness!"

Bowser chuckled, "Bwah haha! "We're under attack!" You jokers are the best!" That's when Bowser saw something and added, "Hey! Who are those hairy guys and girl in the back? We SHAVE around here, minions!"

Violet Jasmine Calico, a young woman around 19, had shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, fair and white skin, a scar on her left cheek, wearing a purple hat with a snowflake on it, a purple shirt, a purple skirt, and purple shoes. She was actually dating Luigi James Manfredi, the younger brother of Mario Gregory Manfredi Junior. She had violet ice powers.

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