The Emerge of Mark

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Timmy sniffled, in his depressed state. He loved his parents, he truly did. But he often why he stayed here in Dimmsdale when there was better stuff on the horizon. 'I am trying to hold on for you, Doc,' he thought. 'I just want this over with.'

Just then, he heard Mark yelling, "Timmy Turner, like, help!"

Timmy's fairies and Timmy went into the front yard as they saw Mark there.

"Mark?" Timmy asked, looking confused. "What are you doing here?"

Mark answered, sounding freaked out, "You must, like, help me! Evil robots and a swirling vortex of death have swallowed up my entire planet!"

Timmy started to say, "So the Darkness is back..." That's when he realized as he shouted, "The Darkness is back?!"

The pink hated boy screamed, ran into a tree, and hid in it.

Wanda sighed, "Better than him being depressed."

Mark got him out of the tree as he grabbed him and stated, "But, you are like the Chosen One! And you must help me fight!"

Timmy laughed a bit uncomfortably as he started to say, "See, technically I'm not the Chosen One. That's what they call me, though..." That's when he realized something, his head pounding. "Wait, how did you know I was the new Chosen One? I never told you! And you are holding me kinda tight!"

Mark started to answer, "Because I must..." That's when a black vortex came out of his mouth as he finished, "Eliminate Timmy Turner!"

Cosmo and Wanda shouted out, in unison, "It's an Eliminator!"


Finally getting to the fort, the heroes quickly defeated the chameleon and freeing Tippi. Peach and Violet were the best in the fort, tricking Francis into letting them in. When the chameleon was trying to flirt with Peach or Violet, the other looked around for Tippi. Finally, after beating Francis, Tippi was free.

Tippi breathed, "Mario... You guys came to save me."

Mario stated, "Of course."

Violet replied, "You are our friend, after all."

Peach added, "And we leave no friend behind."

Bowser responded, "No matter how annoying you can be."

Tippi was touched her friends (and Bowser)'s words that a Pure Heart actually came out of her, surprising everyone.

She breathed, "The Pure Heart...? But how...?"

Violet questioned, "Tippi had a Pure Heart all this time?"

Peach answered, "Apparently."

Bowser stated, "That's really strange."

Mario replied, "Well, we have to take it in ordinary to save our worlds and hopefully find my baby brother."

With that, Mario took the Pure Heart as Tippi looked out at her friends. She felt so blessed to know them. Thus, she started to change.


Back in Dimmsdale; Timmy wished, "I wish the Mark Eliminator was gone!"

Cosmo and Wanda tried to poof away the Eliminator but the Eliminator takes the wands. That's when the Mark Eliminator pulls Timmy closer in.

Cosmo and Wanda shouted, in unison, "Timmy! No!"

Timmy screamed in terror just as an escape pod lands on the Eliminator. The robot turned back to normal as another Mark came out of the pod.

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