The Cragley Villains

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Bowser stared down Mr. L, who was flipping through the pages of the Light Prognosticus.

"Look," Bowser huffed. "You can have loyalty to Princess Whomever for all I care! All I want is MY Peach. You can do whatever you want to Mario."

"Tired of getting your ass beat, Koopa-that-has-a-weight-problem?" Mr. L smirked, making smoke come out of Bowser's nose.

"Say that to my face!" He huffed angrily.

"Shut up already, I found my answer," Mr. L hissed as he put back the Light Prognosticus. "And it turns out that something called the Darkness is going parallel to the Void."

"Some back up plan of your count, I bet!" Bowser accused.

"Dramatic much," Mr. L accused right back, going behind Merlon's house.

"Now where are you going?!" Bowser questioned as he followed.

Mr. L felt along the wall, eventually finding a hollow spot. He smirked as he opened a door. There was a rainbow porthole.

"Smart, fortune-teller-with-a-magnificent-robe," Mr. L commented.

Bowser questioned, "What the heck is that thing?"

Mr. L explained, "According to the notes your robed friend had, this porthole takes us to the other world, Dimmsdale."

"And that's a good thing?" Bowser asked, a bit confused.

Mr. L answered, "It will take us to where those bad-look-alikes-of-Brobot came from."

Bowser stated, "Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!"

"Finally we agree," Mr. L replied as he and Bowser jumped through the rainbow porthole.


Back in Dimmsdale, Timmy and Mark were in the dump. However, there was a big hole where Mark's spaceship used to be.

Timmy asked, a bit upset, "Where is your spaceship?!"

Mark looked up as he answered, "Oh, I sort of left it on Yugopotamia which of course is now gone-zo. But, the good news is I have no idea where this blue moon is that we seek." He paused as he added, "Oh wait. I meant to say the bad news is is that I have no idea where the blue moon is."

Timmy sighed as he grumbled, fighting back his pounding head, "Okay, we have no space ship, we have no idea where the blue moon is, and there is no one to help us since the Darkness took all of my friends and loved ones!"

Mark asked, "Uh, isn't there someone who hates you that can help us?"

Hearing that, Timmy smirked with an idea.


Meanwhile, in the Crocker Cave, Crocker was eating some cocktail weenies.

Crocker exclaimed, "Yes! After 30 years of searching, 13 nervous breakdowns, and 4,000 cocktail weenies my magic seeking telescope will finally locate the legendary Fairy World!"

At that moment, Crocker looked through the telescope and only saw the stars.

Automatic voice commented, "Fairy World not detected."

Crocker cried out, "Curses!" He looked behind him as he saw Timmy and Mark were behind him. He screamed as he started to say, "I didn't steal anything! I mean..."

Mark grabbed Crocker, lifted him up, dropped him; he reported, "Bad news, he's not a metal suck-y bot." He paused and corrected, "Oh, I mean good news!"

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