A Break in the Action

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Next time on Super Paper Wishology!


"The Void isn't gone...?" Violet asked, sounding scared.

"What is an Eliminator doing here?!" Mario blurted out.

Timmy laughed a bit uncomfortably as he started to say, "See, technically I'm not the Chosen One. That's what they call me, though..."

"Don't be so rude!" Bowser huffed. "You're the one asking a question!"

"My loyalty is with my count. Where does your loyalty lie, koopa-that-has-a-weight-problem?" Mr. L told Bowser.

"And try to find the rest of the Pure Hearts here." Peach reminded Violet.

"This isn't supposed to be happening..." Jorgen grimaced.

"Timmy just saved our lives! We have to save him!" Nacey stated strongly, though still in tears.

Dimentio explained, "You said it yourself. You can't go back to the count. So get lost."

L hissed, "Not a funny joke, Dimentio. If I wanted to laugh, your face is inspiration is enough!"

"I also must tell you, the Light Prognosticus tells that the man in green will determine the fate of all worlds..." Merlon forewarned.


Wishmaker1028: All this and more as we start: The Exciting Middle Heart! Please read and review. And always think outside of the box.

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