A Jester's Unlikely Past

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Count Bleck was sitting in his castle, awaiting the heroes to arrive. His thoughts were jumbled. While he didn't want to alarm any of his minions, he couldn't stop thinking about that Pixl. He shook his head, remembering his beloved Timpani was a beautiful human woman. He remembered a woman of 18 years of age, had long curly blonde hair, brown eyes, freckles on her face, pink lips, wearing a beautiful long light blue dress and white flat shoes.

"Timpani..." He whispered. "My beautiful Timpani..."

It just could not be possible that the Pixl was his beloved Timpani. Could it? He had several doubts but after their encounter in the Samurai World, he couldn't help feeling that way.

"Um, Count?" A voice asked.

Count Bleck turned as he saw Nastasia there.

"And what brings you here, asked Count Bleck." Count Bleck questioned.

Nastasia answered, "Yeah, uh, forgive me Count but I just did a head count. Dimentio is, um, not here."

"Not here, questioned Count Bleck." The count stated, though it was more of a question.

"Yes sir. I believe, um, he went to Dimmsdale." The assistant replied.

"He seems obsessed with that dimension, observed Count Bleck." Count Bleck responded.

Nastasia nodded and asked, "Why, um, trust him? You know, um, who he really is. Why do you trust him?"

Count Bleck answered, "I do not trust him, answered Count Bleck. While I know who Dimentio really is, he going to seal his own game. And it will be the end of the former prince, Count Bleck predicted."

"Should we, um, warn the heroes?" Nastasia asked.

"That would be unwise, Count Bleck pointed out. Right now, we need to get to the other dimension and stop the heroes in defeating the Darkness and us - Count Bleck commanded." Count Bleck told her.

Nastasia nodded as she headed out, the count right behind her.


"Daddy, where is Mommy?"

"M - mom is gone, son."

"...gone? How can she be gone? We just saw her, Daddy! Tell him sis!"



"Mommy is now sleeping under the tree on the hill, bro..."

"...no! You lie! You lie!"


"No stay away from me liar!"


"Son! What have you done?!"

"Daddy, I..."

"...you just hurt your sister! You know better! She was only telling you the truth!"

"...shut up! I don't believe it!"

"Son, don't you dare point that wand at your father!"

"You are not my father! From this day forward, you will be the man I loathe forever! I hate the man in green!"


Mario and his team were back in Flopside, meeting up with Terrance. Mario shook his hand as Terrance did the same.

"My bro okay?" Mario asked, worried.

Terrance nodded as he answered, "Yes but he seems to know how to make wings out of his electricity."

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