Ending My Game with You

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Everything was shaking and all worlds were still coming to their end. It was utter chaos in other worlds right now.

"It seems the end of all worlds is really upon us," said the former Count.

"Oh no," Timmy groaned.

Timpani questioned, "So defeating Dimentio wasn't enough to stop it?"

Blumiere explained, "I thought the Chaos Heart would disappear if the person controlling it fell... Dimentio...must have left behind a shadow of his power to continue controlling it. It won't last long...but it may be enough to ensure the end of every world..."

Bowser huffed, "Oh, GREAT! So what do we do now?"

"Good question," Trixie added.

Blumiere stated, "There is only one thing left that we can do." With that, he created a big enough door for everyone to go through. He added, "This way!"

Everyone nodded and went through the door as Violet barely managed to carry Luigi, who had yet come to. Mario took his baby brother and carried him. In this other door was the same chapel from before.

Blumiere asked Timpani, "Timpani... Do you still... Do you still love me?"

Timpani answered, "Yes, Blumiere. Of course I do."

Blumiere stated, "Then you must come with me."

O'Chunks spoke up, "'Ey, Count! What're yeh doin'?!"

Blumiere explained, "We will use the Pure Hearts again, this time to banish the Chaos Heart. All we need is true love... And that is something I am lucky to possess... But... With the Chaos Heart gone, the Pure Hearts and those linked to them... They may cease to exist..."

Mimi perked up and stated, sadly, "You mean you might go away? B - but I don't want you to go!"

Blumiere replied, "All of this is my fault. The price is mine to pay... I do not have long to live anyway. But you, Timpani... It pains me to know this may cut your game short... Still... There is no other way to end this."

Timpani responded, "I know, Blumiere... I know..."

"Timpani," Blumiere breathed.

"Don't say another word," Timpani commented, "As long as I am with you, nothing else matters."

Suddenly, the worlds trembled yet again - waking Luigi slightly. Everyone saw the condition he was in but before they could do anything, a shadowy hand appeared and went towards Luigi.

"Luigi!" Timmy cried out, getting in the path of the shadowy hand.

Luigi barely managed to say, "Timmy!"

The shadow of Dimentio appeared. Trixie, Chester, A.J., Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof tried to get over to the pink clad hero but Dimentio stopped them with his magic. He started to strangle Timmy but before the jester could end his game, Dimentio was tackled down by someone. And that someone was Luigi.

"Weegie!" Mario cried out.

"Luigi, no!" Timmy cried.

"Be strong, bro," Luigi stated, shocking himself and Dimentio.

With a flash of yellow light, both of their games ended. Everyone broke down in tears. While Mario was trying to be strong, Timmy was completely devastated.

"I don't believe this..." Blumiere breathed.

"P - please, r - revive h - him," Mario hiccuped.

"We will try our best," Timpani softly stated, as the two of them headed up to the altar.

Blumiere lowered his hat over his eyes and commented, "There were so many things I wanted to say to you...but I could not find the words."

Timpani responded, "Oh, Blumiere... Only one thing matters to me now. I never had the chance to return your question... Blumiere... Do you still love me, as well?"

Blumiere replied, "Of course... I have thought about you every moment since you disappeared... But I have caused you so much suffering..."

Timpani confessed, "Perhaps...my life would have been more carefree without you, that is true."

Blumiere looked up and stated, "But, I had to be with you, Timpani. I will never apologize for that..."

Timpani smiled and replied, "I know, Blumiere. And I love you..."

"And I love you, Timpani," Blumiere responded, "Hundreds of thousands of years from now, that fact will not have changed."

Suddenly, the Pure Hearts surrounded them and the Chaos Heart. The ground started shaking and bells started to ring.

Timpani and Blumiere both said, "I'll forever end my game with you..."

The destruction of all worlds automatically stopped and every world was instantly saved the minute the couple had said that. Even the destroyed Samurai Kingdom was restored as were all the lives lost there. Even Luigi was revived as both the Purity and Chaos Heart was banished into him. Nastasia was also revived as well.


"Timpani...do you remember that promise we made each other that day?"

"Yes, I remember... If there was a place where we could be happy together, we would find it."

"Will you come with me to that place now?"

"Blumiere... Of course... I will always be with you..."


A few hours later, everyone is at Peach's castle for a party staring Kiss. Jorgen and Nacey both agree for Timmy's friends to remember the events but that his parents have to earn the memories by being nice to Timmy. However, none of Timmy's villains would remember.

"That works for me!" Timmy gleefully stated, grabbing Trixie as he kissed her.

Trixie returned it, her face a bright red. Luigi laughed at his young friend.

"Wow, Timmy sure has some moves," Violet awed.

"At least he's happy," Peach observed.

"Like we are," Luigi stated.

"Oh very," Mario agreed, hugging his brother tight.

The green clad ghost hunter smiled as he returned it. Now he was happy.


"Thank you, Weegie." Timmy commented as they were in the Cave of Destiny.

"Thank you as well, Tim-Tim," Luigi stated, drawing Mario. He paused as he added, "You know, she would be proud of us."

Timmy smiled as he replied, "I think she watched over us that entire time."

Luigi was the one to smile now and responded, "I think you are right." He paused and asked, "Why did you say that what you said earlier to Dimentio?"

Timmy cryptically answered, "Be glad you never have to know."


Wishmaker1028: That ends our story! Be sure to stick around for the sequel! Please read and review. And always think outside of the box.

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