Making an Escape

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Meanwhile, in Abacatraz, Terrance and Tamara were looking at their sons fairies. Mario was clutching the Pure Heart to his chest, frightened. Peach saw this as the red clad plumber was trying to hid it. Tippi fluttered her wings as she perched on Merlon's shoulder. Violet sighed of annoyance, wanting to help Timmy.

Terrance was the one to break the silence as he asked, " Timmy has fairy godparents and that's your magic baby?"

Cosmo and Wanda answered in unison, "Yep."

Tamara pointed to Nacey and added, "And you're an inter-dimensional hero who disguises herself as Anna Smith so your world doesn't get discovered?"

Nacey shrugged as she replied, "That's the short version of it."

Chester gushed, "Wow! That is so cool!"

A.J. nodded in agreement and added, "I forgot all about the possibility of other dimensions…."

Trixie looked confused and asked, "Could someone fill me in, though? What is Mario doing here?"

Merlon answered, "I fear the Light Prognosticus predicted that these two events would merge into a whole one event."

Tippi fluttered her wings and commented, "A true terrifying war."

Violet sighed as she added, "And it was because - according to Dimentio - I jumped the story."

Peach softly stated, "This isn't your fault, Violet." She turned to Mario and asked, "Right Mario?"

Mario perked up as he replied, a bit flustered, "Uh right..."

Terrance looked at Mario and asked, "Are you okay?"

Mario answered, truthfully, "No..." He looked up at Terrance, his piercing blue eyes meeting Terrance's blue ones. "I am worried. The Light Prognosticus said that the man in green shall decide the fate of all worlds..."

Chester perked up and asked, "I decide the fate of all worlds?"

Violet answered, "As much as it could be possible, we are talking about someone dressed completely in green, like Luigi."

Tamara raised an eyebrow as she asked, "There is another one of you?"

Jorgen answered, annoyed, "Yes! And I am trying to break out of this jail cell here!" Just then, an Eliminator came over. He lied quickly, "I mean, I'm hungry."

The Eliminator opened the cell, hitting Jorgen. It offered some chicken fingers to them.

Mario huffed, "I rather not eat."

Terrance added, "Me either. Chicken fingers go right to my man flab."

The Eliminator closed the cell as it stated, "And do not even think about trying to escape. You're not smart enough to out think us."

That's when the Eliminator turned around and Poof is on his back. It walked away as Poof came off of his back.

Cosmo gushed, "Look! Poof busted out!"

Peach clapped, "Oh yay!"

Poof looked around and he put on a red scarf, wrapping it around him.

Tamara complained, "Hey, he took my scarf!"

Poof also put on some eye liner.

Terrance added, "And he took my eye liner!" Everyone shot him a look as he looked at his watch and added, "I mean, it's two-thirty."

Poof spun into the make-shift ninja outfit as Wanda stated, "I knew he should've not watched that movie!"

Violet stated, "Let's see what the little guy does."

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