And We Are Back Again

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Mario struggled along as he got to a strange building. He approached a woman that looked like a snake.

The red clad plumber asked her, "Where am I?"

Queen Jaydes answered, "You are in the Underwhere. I am Queen Jaydes. Welcome Super Mario."

Mario raised an eyebrow as he asked, "You know my name?"

Queen Jaydes nodded and answered, "Yes and that ankle looks tender." She paused as she sensed something. She stated, "But I do sense a strange power coming from you..."

Mario responded, taking out the stoned Pure Heart, "I think you might be sensing this."

Queen Jaydes breathed, "The Pure Heart...but what happened?"

Mario started to reply, "Long story..."

That's when Queen Jaydes' phone rang and she quickly took the call. She then returned to Mario.

He asked, "Everything okay, your majesty?"

Queen Jaydes shook her head and answered, "No. Luvbi is missing and Gramps - King of the Overthere - is worried. Mario, can you look for Luvbi for me?"

Mario stated, "Sure but if you could watch the Pure Heart while I go. My ankle is killing me."

Queen Jaydes replied, "Be glad to. Oh and take this key. Word is that a person in violet fell into the Lake Twygz so can you check that out too."

Mario responded, "Okay."

After Queen Jaydes fixed him up, Mario headed out with crutches under his arm pits.


After jumping into the lake and unlocking the door, Mario finally found Violet. Violet was scared since she really didn't understand anything about this world.

Violet groaned, "We had to end up in this world's version of hell..."

Mario went over to her as fast he could with the sprain and cried out, "Violet!"

Violet spun around as she saw Mario coming towards her and blurted out, "Mario!"

She ran over to Mario, seeing his cast.

Mario insisted, "I'm okay. It's just a sprain."

Violet replied, "I'm just glad you are okay, Mario... I was so scared!"

"I know," Mario responded, holding her gently. "Are the Dimmsdale kids here?"

"I don't know," Violet told him, truthfully.

Instantly Mario got worried as did Violet. That's when Violet joined Mario on his quest to find Luvbi. When they happened upon Luvbi, she thought that Mario was her fiancé since he knew her name.

Violet busted up laughing at Mario's face and commented, "I am sure that Peach will send you something nice."

Mario glared at her as he hissed, "Not funny."

The red clad plumber led them to Queen Jaydes' castle. Luvbi was relieved that Mario wasn't her fiancé. Queen Jaydes was glad to have Luvbi back - her daughter.

The two of them blurted out, "Daughter?!"

Luvbi asked, "Does this surpriseth you?"

Mario answered, "Yeah..."

Violet stated, "Then again, Squirps was the prince in the Whoa Zone."

Queen Jaydes thanked them for their help and gave them the restored the Pure Heart. Mario and Violet were surprised.

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